News from the fields:
new finds from the Steppe archaeological expedition of the State Historical Museum
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The steppe archaeological expedition of the Historical Museum for 19 years has been conducting research on burial mounds of different eras, which are located in the Salsko-Manych steppes. These territories were inhabited by nomadic tribes and peoples who appeared here about six thousand years ago and were mainly engaged in cattle breeding. In addition, they were good warriors who sought not only to protect their possessions and pastures, but also to increase them.
As part of the Steppe archaeological expedition in 2021, two male burials were found, which are of great scientific interest. Both were found in the Peschaniy IV burial ground near the village. Repair of the Rostov region.
One of the finds was the burial of a man from the Bronze Age Catacomb culture. In this find, it is noteworthy that traces of a complex surgical operation - trepanation were found on the man’s skull. It is assumed that the operation was carried out in his lifetime two or more times, and only a specialist - a real "surgeon" of the Bronze Age could perform it. To find out all the details of the unique find, the staff of the Historical Museum will begin a large study. Thanks to the support of the Russian Science Foundation, they are going to find out whether this man was a local resident or a foreigner, what surgical instruments were used by the "doctors" and when such a complex operation could have occurred.

Another find of the Steppe archaeological expedition was the burial complex of a warrior from the Khazar Kaganate, a large military state in southeastern Europe. A large number of objects were found in the man’s burial: a leather quiver covered with birch bark, which contained a bow and arrows with iron tips, and a leather whip. An iron sword was placed along the left arm; fragments of leather pants and bronze details of clothing were preserved in the area of the knees. The burial itself was covered with thick logs, on which a stuffed horse stuffed with steppe grasses was laid. The uniqueness of the burial complex lies in the amazing preservation of items made from organic materials: fabrics, bone, wood, birch bark, leather, which are usually quickly destroyed. Restorers of the Historical Museum, taking part in the work of the expedition,were able to carry out the necessary cleaning, quick field preservation and even the initial restoration of unique items. A little later, all the finds will be sent for further detailed research, where scientists will accurately establish the type of wood, the composition of the iron and the dating of the monument.
Modern archaeological research of the Historical Museum is not only the replenishment of the funds with new exhibits, it is also a great scientific work. Museum staff are engaged in scientific research, study, scientific restoration and reconstruction, so that each monument has its own "passport", which will indicate its name, place and date of birth.
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