"Great Catherine" 12+
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с 7 по 14 Декабря
КЦ “Зодчие”
ул. Партизанская, д.23

On December 7 and 14, on the stage of the Cultural Center "Architects" in the project of the actor and director of the Taganka Theater - Erwin Haaz, artists of modern Russian theater and cinema.
The comedy "Great Catherine" based on the play of Bernard Shaw, in which the role of the empress was played by actor Nikolai Novgorodtsev, was combined by a stunning acting ensemble: Denis Varenov, Alexander Fastovsky, Nikolai Novgorodtsev and others.
Once, a foreigner arrived on an important commission to the palace of Her Imperial Majesty.
What he came across cannot be called anything other than an absurdity. The poor guest experiences the whole spectrum of feelings and emotions - from aggression to romance, from happiness to hysterical laughter. Such an influence on the brave English captain for several days of his life had a Russian empress.
Through the grotesque, through the sons of laughter, the bitterness of recognition and the modern polar world penetrates.
December 7 and 14, beginning - 19:30, duration - 1.5 hours b intermission