"Flicker Evening"
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Dear friends, we apologize, but for technical reasons the “Flicker Evenings” on January 23 and 25 at the Museum of Russian Impressionism were canceled.

January 23 and 25, 2019
“You riding in your tarataykas,
don’t chase our futuristic car”
K. Malevich
January 23 and 25 at 20:00 in the Museum of Russian Impressionism will be held "Flicker Nights", which will be a bright conclusion to the exhibition "Father of Russian Futurism" "David Burliuk. A word to me! ”(October 10, 2018 - January 27, 2019).
David Burliuk, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Velimir Khlebnikov - futurists who paved the way for the new. They experimented with words and colors, played with images and meanings, shocked the audience and provoked strong feelings in the audience. At their evenings, they organized disputes, often turning into heated debates.
“On the eve of the Evenings of Flicker, a party was organized in the audience of the Polytechnic Museum in Karetny. Yakulov said: "For a career"… "Reception" ended in a complete rout and struggle between the half-naked Yakulov and Lentulov, who fought on the floor, on piles of broken glass… "
Burliuk D. D. Fragments from the memoirs of a futurist. St. Petersburg, 1994.S. 29-30.
Natalia Sviridova, curator of the exhibition “David Burliuk. A word to me! ”, The chief curator of the Museum of Russian Impressionism:
“There was no place for official avant-garde poetry in official print media, it was possible to hear about the literary work of the futurists only at private literary meetings or public lectures, the organization and conduct of which were difficult to obtain official permissions from local authorities. Such meetings were extremely important, new poetry was born there, new names and talents were learned, original ideas were born. ”
The research performance at the Museum of Russian Impressionism “The Evening of Flickers” is dedicated to futurists, comprehension of their work and an attempt to combine the most advanced direction of the 20th century with today’s search for new forms in art. For this performance, we invited five young artists. They are not professional actors, but actively work with the audience. This is a poet, artist, theater producer, human rights activist and musician. The project curators are experimenting with them.
Elena Sharova, producer of the project “Flicker Night”, curator of the educational programs department of the Museum of Russian Impressionism:
“It is important to understand that this is not a performance-reconstruction of one of the evenings of the futurists, this is a separate statement. In my opinion, in our time it is not interesting to dress up and make up artists under David Burliuk or Vladimir Mayakovsky and ask them to depict something, copying the prototypes. Why cheat the viewer? Therefore, when Sasha Pronkin proposed to make a performance with Ivan Lungin, Daria Serenko, Vasya Berezin, Daria Werner and Vadik Korolev, there were no questions why these guys were. They are truly sincere and honest - everyone in their field. Like the once futurists, they create a new art that people are ready to follow. ”
Using choreography, techniques of art and documentary theaters, each artist creates his own statement on the theme of one of the authors: Burliuk, Mayakovsky, Khlebnikov, Kruchenykh, Kandinsky. The production is based on the texts of futurists, but each hero passes them through himself.
Ivan Lungin, artist:
“Why are Greek myths, Judaism and Christianity important today? Because they are parts of us, this is one of the pieces of the puzzle of the modern world. We love the discoverers, here are the futurists, Dadaists and Kandinsky (and many others) on my same shelf, in the same coordinate system. ”
The curators invite the viewer to the “Flicker Night” to get to know better not only the avant-garde of the beginning of the last century, but also those who are at the forefront of today.
An example from a futuristic flyer:
- against the text of Pushkin - the text of Khlebnikov
- against Lermontov - Mayakovsky
- against Nadson - Burliuk
- against Gogol - Twisted
"Evening of flicker"
January 23 and 25, 2019
20:00 - 21:30
David Burliuk - Daria Werner (theater producer)
Velimir Khlebnikov - Vadik Korolev (poet, musician)
Alexey Kruchenykh - Vasya Berezin (director, theater figure)
Vladimir Mayakovsky - Daria Serenko (artist, art activist),
Vasily Kandinsky - Ivan Lungin (artist)
Curators: Sasha Pronkin, Vanya Bowden, Tanya Chizhikova
Playwright: Alina Zhurina
Composer: Mitya Burtsev
Producers: Rita Basalaeva, Elena Sharova
Display Duration - 1.5 hours
- Exhibition "Avant-Garde Directions of Russian and Soviet Art at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century"
- “Kiss of the Fur Queen” by Tomson Highway
- “Kingdom of the Wicked” by Kerri Maniscalco
- “Red Queen” by Victoria Aveyard
- “The Faerie Queene” by Edmund Spenser
- "Community of Taganka Actors" will delight fans with three premieres