Automatic translate
с 27 Ноября
по 15 ЯнваряГалерея Файн Арт
4-ый Сыромятнический переулок, д.1/8С9, Центр современного искусства ВИНЗАВОД

The Flicker project is the debut of the young artist Wanda Vertinsky at the Fine Art Gallery. Painted abstractions are presented - on the canvas inside dynamic color flows certain structural compositions are clearly visible that are symmetrical about the axis. When looking at the paintings there is a feeling of meeting with the mystical, with the esoteric. Some compositions resemble ritual tribal headdresses with feathers, with ethnic patterns. White or colored spots are especially expressive - it seems that the eyes of shamans flicker, glowing with dazzling white light from behind the plane of the canvas and piercing the beholder. Or it is the impenetrable, flaming eyes of a jaguar or other ritual beast arising from darkness. Such an unusual and at the same time powerful creativity is due to the originality of the personality of the artist himself - Wanda Vertinsky.
Wanda was born and lives in Minsk today. However, she does not attribute herself to any one country and is positioned as a person of the world. Movement, constant movement around the world, swiftness, indefatigable curiosity and a thirst to penetrate the essence of visible and hidden life processes - these are the main features of Wanda Vertinsky’s way of living. She studied at the Belarusian Academy of Arts, in the UK - drawing in virtual reality, she took master classes and lessons from Thai, Belgian, and Mexican artists and sculptors, studied African sculpture in Paris, that is, was subjected to multicultural influence.
Wanda experienced a special cultural shock when she ended up in Amazonia, where she got acquainted with the works of shaman artists, which they created under the influence of ayahuasca - a decoction of the “creeper of spirit”. Under the influence of this broth, the shamans fell into a state of altered consciousness, they saw pictures as a result of the intersection of the invisible world with everyday life. Similar conditions are visited by a person in dreams. Looking at the images of mystical spirits or sacred animals captured by shamans on canvas, Wanda made a unique discovery. She discovered the inner similarity of these creations with the spots of Rorschach - a German doctor who developed a system of symmetrical ink spots as a test that allows you to see the internal settings of a person and, as in the case of using a mysterious drink, penetrate the human subconscious. Here are two impulses in the work of the artist Vanda Vertinsky: “These are pictures about the worlds within us. It can be bewitchingly scary to look into them, but this is a useful exercise. Actually, this is the purpose of art. ”
Other works by Wanda are also presented. These are video installations, the demonstration of which is a surprise for the viewer, as well as multi-layer expressive abstractions - original authorial works written under the influence of German artist Richter. Their concept is also close to the vision of the Master: “Attempts to decompose art, especially abstract art, into distinct components, as a rule, are doomed. But sometimes the artist’s inspiration can be traced, ”says Wanda. Vanda Vertinsky’s paintings are fascinating, they provoke a person to dialogue with himself, cause a desire for self-knowledge, self-identification, they allow you to see the world cleansed of corruption, bright, colorful and happy. Irina Filatova
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