In the animated series "Fairy Patrol" will appear the fifth wizard Automatic translate
The universe of the popular children’s animated series "Fairy Patrol" replenished with a new character. The fifth sorceress - Alice - will appear in the 37th series, which will premiere on November 22 in the application "Cartoon". According to the NPD Group, in 2018 the series “Fairytale Patrol” became the number one toy sales among all Russian licenses. The series is produced by the animation studio "Steam Locomotive" by order of the company "Digital Television".
The fifth sorceress named Alice is active, fast, bright and effective. She is a fashionista with an overestimated opinion of herself, her femininity turns into mannerism. A proud woman who does not like to admit her wrong, but with all the flaws of her character, she knows how to value friendship and a good disposition. The magical property is the keeper of time.
“We introduced the fifth heroine, the guardian of time Alice, into the company of young sorceresses, because friends are always wonderful, and there are not too many of them. Our girls (Alenka, Snezhka, Masha and Varya) are always open for new friendships. They happily accept the cheerful and slightly eccentric Alice in their company. With her, their adventures in the Magic City become even more amazing and interesting. And Alice, as a local resident, will reveal to her friends many secrets of the Wizarding World, ”says Maria Parfenova, the main author of the Parovoz studio.
The animated series "Fairytale Patrol" tells about the adventures of girls magicians: Alenka, Vari, Masha and Snowball. The story begins in the city of Myshkin, where the heroines have to go through a series of trials and adventures to become a close-knit team that protects the reserve of fairy tales. Together they learn friendship, mutual assistance and responsibility for their actions.
The success of the series “Fairytale Patrol” was noted earlier. In 2017, he became a laureate of the Ikar National Animation Award, awarded for achievements in the field of animated films and for his professional contribution to the development of the industry. In the same year, at the prestigious Cyber Sousa international award, the animated series won silver in the Best Foreign Animation Series nomination and shortlisted in the same nomination at the Annecy International Animation Festival. The international jury praised not only the originality of his ideas, n and high quality 3D animation. Fairytale Patrol is the No. 1 brand for toy sales among Russian licenses according to the NPD Group for 2018. In 2019, the animated series received the first TEFI Kids figurine as the best Russian animated series.
In 2019, the broadcast of the spin-off of the animated series Fairy Tale Patrol - Fairy Tale Patrol began. Chronicles of Miracles. ” Each series tells about the characters of the “Fairy Patrol”, already familiar to young viewers - Kota Uchen, Tsvetik-Raznotsvetik, Vasilisa, Lesha, the sorceresses themselves and many others. The plots and stories described in the new cartoon reveal these characters and explain the motives of their actions.
Premiere of the 37 series “Keeper of the Time”:
November 22, 2019 - in the "Mult" application.
December 7, 2019 - on the MULT TV channel.
December 14, 2019 - on the ANI channel.
December 15, 2019 - on the TV channel "Multimedia".
Since December 21, 2019 - on the channel "Carousel".
Read more about the fairy tale patrol animated series:
Production: Russia, 2016-2019
Authors of the idea: Evgeny Golovin
Director: Anastasia Chernova
Age marking: 0+
Duration: 11 minutes.
Number of episodes: 52
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