V Moscow festival "Duduk and Organ" Grand opening Jivan Gasparyan. Great music of world cinema
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19 Ноября
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday, November 19, 6 p.m.
Soundtracks from great films performed by Jivan Gasparyan sound in the Lutheran Cathedral! The legend of contemporary world music art is in Moscow! Do not miss.
V Moscow festival "Duduk and Organ"
Grand opening
Jivan Gasparyan. Great music of world cinema.
Duration - 80 minutes.
A duduk sings under the ancient arches of the Lutheran Cathedral - the voice of the soul of the Armenian people. In an outstanding performance of the legendary Jivan Gasparyan. The ascetic who brought the ancient instrument to the modern classical concert stage, which made the whole world unconditionally fall in love with its unique timbre. Soundtracks sound in the very wonderful performance in which we loved them in great films - performed by Jivan Gasparyan. Duduk and romantic organ, intertwined with sounds, complementing each other, create a feeling of an unreal miracle, happening right before your eyes. There are concerts, the very expectation of which is already an event. Legend of contemporary world music art Jivan Gasparyan in Moscow! Do not miss.
Jivan Gasparyan - Duduk
Jivan Gasparyan Jr. - Duduk
Armen Ghazaryan - duduk
Vazgen Makaryan - bass duduk
Khosrov Manukyan Duduk
Tatyana Lanskaya soprano
Ivan Ipatov organ
Program: J. Gershwin, H. Zimmer, V. Cosma, J. Williams, E. Morricone, Armenian folk melodies
- “Station Eleven” by Emily St. John Mandel
- Duduk of Jivan Gasparyan, organ and Celtic harp sounded under the arches of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Moscow
- Moscow festival "Duduk and Organ" Jivan Gasparyan. Duduk, organ and soprano "
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