"In the struggle for the Red Gate and the Okhotny Ryad. Pyotr Baranovsky and Moscow"
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с 21 Декабря
по 21 МартаГосударственный музей архитектуры имени А.В. Щусева
ул. Воздвиженка, д.5/25
The exhibition will be held from December 21, 2017 to March 21, 2018 in the Pharmaceutical Order of the State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Schuseva.
State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchuseva presents an exhibition dedicated to the 125th birthday of architect-restorer Pyotr Dmitrievich Baranovsky “In the struggle for the Red Gate and the Okhotny Ryad”.
Pyotr Dmitrievich Baranovsky (1892-1984) - architect-restorer, initiator of the creation of the Andrei Rublev Museum in the Andronikov Monastery, founder and director of the first open-air museum - the Kolomenskoye Museum. His life was entirely devoted to the salvation of Russian architecture, where he used new methods of restoration and conservation of architectural objects. Together with P.D. Outstanding architects, restorers and artists - Dmitry Sukhov, Igor Grabar, Alexei Shchusev, Ivan Zholtovsky, Ivan Fomin and many others also fought for the salvation of architectural monuments in the 1920-1930s.
Despite the fact that Baranovsky lost many battles for the preservation of cultural heritage, it was this often often hopeless and dangerous activity that he conducted along with other architects and restorers that became an invaluable contribution to the study of the history of Russian architecture, and also made it possible to recreate in our time lost masterpieces of Russian architecture. Baranovsky returned the original appearance to the distorted buildings (the St. George Church in Kolomensky of the 16th century, the chambers of Golitsyn and the chamber of Troekurov in the Okhotny Ryad of the 17th century, Kazan Cathedral on Red Square (1636) - a monument to the victory over the Polish-Lithuanian invaders).
The exhibition will present genuine measured and design drawings, architectural sketches, watercolors, photographs, models, tiles, bricks, voices of the XVI-XVII centuries, as well as white stone fragments of the Church of the Assumption on Pokrovka from the archive of P.D. Baranovsky and funds of the Museum of Architecture. A.V. Schuseva.
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