Carpet patterns - such a cozy classic!
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Comfort in the house - happiness in the family. Embroidered tablecloths, handmade window curtains, patchwork quilts, homespun rugs, crocheted napkins, woolen paths remind us of a carefree childhood, summer trips to grandma, a sweet and calm period of our lives.
Today, elegant carpet paths not only give us fond memories, but are also a stylish attribute of a modern home. Demand for such products is quite high. This is due to the fact that the tracks for the children’s room, living quarters and hallway are universal in use and easy to care for.
Reputable stores offer their customers carpet products for the home of two types:
• Kremlin paths that look elegantly in the interior of houses in a classic style, decorated with furniture made from natural wood;
• universal tracks - the richest collections of various styles, models, color schemes. Here are tracks of various widths and lengths, with original drawings: from geometric shapes to famous cartoon characters.
In accordance with the wishes of customers, there is a popular service: carpet to order on individual projects. The best professional designers will easily realize your best dreams and fantasies.
Necessary actions after buying a new carpet
• Vacuum or clean immediately with a soft brush, as particles of overlock, pile and other materials may remain on the carpet.
• Leave the carpet on the balcony for a few hours so that the smell of latex, which fixes the base of the carpet, disappears.
• To prevent large particles of dirt from entering the apartment, equip the entrance to the room with protective cleaning barriers as much as possible: rugs to remove dirt, doormats to wipe feet, and special antisplash barriers.
• Avoid constant directed load on the same part of the carpet, as this reduces its wear resistance, pile rolls, loses its attractive appearance.
• Do not forget about regular carpet care.
Remember that competent carpet care is the key to their faithful and long service. At the same time, you can take care of carpet products yourself or turn to professionals. Usually this choice depends on the cost of the carpet. Special care should be taken with natural pile products.
Experts believe that the use of carpets in the interior favorably transforms any home, gives it comfort.