Learn about the exhibits of the Irkutsk Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev is now possible through QR codes
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QR codes are located in the halls of the Main building of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev. With their help, visitors will be able to find out information about paintings and their authors through personal mobile devices. To use the QR code, you need a phone or tablet with a video camera and Internet access, as well as a program for reading such codes on the device. When you point the camera at a QR code located next to the exhibit, a link to an Internet resource appears on the device’s screen. By clicking on the link, you can get a detailed description of the exhibit in a text version or listen to an audio file with a story about the picture.
“An audio tour of the main exposition of the Main Building has been created as part of the collaboration with the izi.travel website,” says Maria Mozhenkova, head of the museum’s scientific and exposition department. Using QR codes, today you can listen to stories about the works of our classic collection, including the paintings of I.E. Repin, V.A. Tropinina, I.I. Shishkina, B.M. Kustodiev and others. 36 audio files have been uploaded so far, but this is only the beginning. In the near future, such work will continue. ”
QR codes allow the visitor to get to know the museum collection at their own pace, lingering on those works that aroused particular interest. We kindly request visitors to use headphones when listening to audio files. The Irkutsk Art Museum plans to provide exhibits with QR codes in its other branches - in the Gallery of Sculpture, the Gallery of Siberian Art, “Manor V.P. Sukachev. "
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