Lost Moscow in 3D. Layouts, digital reconstructions
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с 31 Августа
по 1 ОктябряГалерея “Беляево”
ул.Профсоюзная, 100
September 13 at 19:00 in the gallery "Belyaevo" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will officially open the exhibition "Lost Moscow in 3D", carried out in conjunction with the Charity Foundation of His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent.
The exhibition is dedicated to one of the oldest historical areas of the capital - China Town. Today the district is significantly different from what it was at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. During the last century, many architectural structures were destroyed: the Kitay-Gorod wall, temples, shopping arcades and the whole Zaryadye district were demolished. Together with the disappearance of buildings, the life of the district has completely changed.
Based on the drawings and measurements, photographs and diagrams found in museums, archives and libraries of Moscow, the project team developed digital models of lost buildings. Visitors will be able to see their layouts created using 3D printing technology. Along with mock-ups, the exhibition will include a digital reconstruction of the Holy Monastery, developed by a group of scientists from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, as well as the model of Zaryadye, created by the cartographer Alexander Ivanov. Among the exhibits are presented not only architectural masterpieces, but also models of ordinary residential buildings, giving an idea of the district’s infrastructure for the period from the late 19th to early 20th centuries.
On the eve of Moscow City Day, drawing attention to the need to be more careful about the heritage of your city is of particular value.
The exhibition is carried out jointly with the Charity Fund of His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent.
Exhibition "Lost Moscow in 3D" (0+)
Opening Date: September 13, 2017, 19:00
Dates: August 31 - October 1, 2017
Opening hours: Tue - Sun 11: 00 – 20: 00
Cost: 100 rub. (50 rubles. - discount ticket)
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