"Dying, stars are born." Exhibition of Anatoly Isoitko
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с 25 Марта
по 10 МаяТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
The ARTMUZA creative cluster will present a unique exposition of Belarusian artist Anatoly Isoitoko, a bright, talented representative of the Vitebsk art school, who at one time brought up Malevich, Chagall, and Pan.
Ioitoko Anatoly Sergeyevich was born in Polotsk in 1954, graduated from Vitebsk University of Technology, where he later taught at the Department of Design, since 1989 - member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, since 1995 - member of the Vitebsk Organization of the Belarusian Union of Artists.
July 27, 2014 the artist passed away, leaving many masterpieces that are now in Russia with his only heiress - sister Elena Kovaleva.
The mysterious life, death, and an almost detective story with the artist’s legacy left a sad imprint, which Elena is actively trying to change. Its goal is to present the enormous work and skill of Anatoly to the Russian public. To save and popularize the artist’s work in Russia.
A talented artist, a master of color - he wrote hundreds of amazing works. As his colleagues, employees of the Belarusian Museum of Local Lore, talk about him, Anatoly Isoitoko believed that everyone in the work should find their own face, their own style, develop that style, thanks to which the author’s paintings can be recognized without a signature. And he diligently, day after day, picture after picture, developed his own unique style.
Izoitko’s creative style is also a reinterpreted image of ancient Slavic legends and folk holidays, filled with new life in the interweaving of fabulous and invented images; and the motives of ancient teachings, philosophy and Greek mythology, which the artist considered the basis of everything and showed the similarity of its foundations with Slavic culture. Many of the artist’s compositions are inscribed in the original Belarusian landscape, with which Anatoly Isoitoko was well acquainted, having bypassed all the surroundings of Vitebsk region with the sketchbook.
His works are characterized by complex compositional constructions, color and tone contrasts, extraordinary storylines. The artist’s works are both spectacular and philosophical. He was always in search - in search of new images, in search of himself, in search of inspiration… Search and work. Work tirelessly in the direct understanding of this statement. All Anatoly Izoitko’s acquaintances knew that he can most often be found either in the workshop or in nature with a sketchbook. Or on the streets of Vitebsk, which he knew how to see very different and very lyrical. After the artist’s death, Elena organized exhibitions in the Vitebsk Art Museum and in the Minsk Palace of Arts. During the life of A. Isoitko, personal exhibitions were held in all administrative centers of Belarus.
The artist’s works are in the State Tretyakov Gallery, in museums in Minsk, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Polotsk, as well as in private collections in the USA, Israel, France, Germany, Poland.
March 25 - May 10.
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