"Snail on the slope" 16+
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28 Февраля
Воронежский государственный академический театр драмы им. А. Кольцова
пр. Революции, 55

The play "The Snail on the Slope" based on the novel of the same name by the Strugatsky brothers - the most significant and perfect work of the authors.
The heirs of the literary tradition laid down by Andrei Platonov, the Strugatsky brothers created fantastic worlds that exist side by side with the surrounding reality. Over and over again, their heroes engage in mortal combat with one or another model of a totalitarian dictatorship.
“Russian folk hallucination” - this is how the genre of the play was defined by its director Nikita Rak. Before the viewer, a rich, “crowded” action will unfold, in which artists of three generations of the drama theater will take part. As in the Strugatsky’s novel, on the stage there is a clash of two worlds, two spaces - the Office and the mysterious, mysterious Forest. In the center is a hero doomed to defeat, he is trying to break out of the absurd world invented by someone, but he cannot do anything.
Original scenery, choreography, vocals, specially created musical arrangements - all this is intended to introduce the viewer into a special world - into the phantasmagoric world of the dystopia of the Strugatsky brothers.
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- From futurism to surrealism