Creative meeting with the master of "architectural landscape" Alexei Vasiliev
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22 Октября
Галерея Классической Фотографии
Саввинская набережная, дом 23 стр. 1
In the Gallery of Classical Photography, a series of meetings continues with participants in the legendary Novator Photo Club. This time, the guest of the evening will be photographer Alexei Vasiliev. The master is known as one of the leading authors of the genre of "architectural landscape", combining the forms of natural objects and works of human labor.
The theme of the meeting with the photographer will be devoted to his work. The author will present a series of his works to viewers and tell with illustrative examples how these photographs were created.
Alexey Vasiliev is a member of the Russian Union of Photographers. The author of the manual "Creative Photography: from design to implementation." As a participant in photographic exhibitions, he has about a hundred medals and diplomas. Among them are the 1st prize at the Third International Exhibition “Man and the World” (1977), the silver medal “Interpressfoto-83”, three VDNKh gold medals following the results of the All-Union competitions, the Diploma “For outstanding contribution to the development of photography in science, art and journalism” ”(1989), three diplomas of the 1st degree at competitions of the Union of Architects and VOOPiK, four diplomas of the winner of the“ Master ”exhibitions of the Guild of Advertising Photographers, etc.
The meeting with Alexei Vasiliev will be held next Saturday, October 22, at 17 hours. Entrance to the event by tickets to the gallery. The cost of a full ticket is 300 rubles, preferential: 200 rubles - for schoolchildren and students, 150 rubles - for pensioners and disabled people. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and children under 12 years old - free of charge.
More information about Alexey Vasiliev can be found on the website of the Gallery of Classic Photography:
Interesting video. Georgy Kolosov on the work of Alexei Vasiliev:
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