Creative meeting with photographer and traveler Dmitry Pitenin
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19 Ноября
Галерея Классической Фотографии
Саввинская набережная, дом 23 стр. 1
Next Saturday, November 19, at 15:00 a creative meeting with the photographer and traveler Dmitry Pitenin will take place in the Gallery of Classical Photography.
The topic of the meeting will be the shooting of the landscape in various weather conditions.
The creative meeting will be held in the format of a practical lesson. During its course, issues related to travel planning and preparation for the filming process will be considered. Dmitry Pitenin dwell in detail on the nuances of selecting equipment for landscape photography. Much attention will be paid to the processing and printing of photographs. The meeting participants will receive practical advice from Dmitry’s personal experience.
“To get a good photo, you need a combination of many circumstances for which the photographer must be prepared and configured to respond to them,” says Dmitry Pitenin. I’ll probably write my thoughts on this topic in a separate article, but now I’ll give advice on how to take pictures - to be attentive to little things, not to fuss, but to do everything thoughtfully and without undue delay, ”says the photographer.
Dmitry Pitenin is a landscape photographer, a member of the Union of Photographers of Russia, a finalist and participant in national and international competitions and exhibitions, such as National Geographic. Wildlife of Russia ”,“ Golden Turtle ”,“ Amazing Planet ”, one of the organizers of the photo project“ Soul of Russia ”. He draws his inspiration from the states of nature: “in gusts of wind, salt spray, rustling leaves and diffused light”, in any place with minimal human intervention. In the cities he is inspired by the atmosphere of antiquity, the rough laying of walls and log cabins, the thin spiers of the spiers of Gothic cathedrals and the lace of stone.
The meeting with Dmitry Pitenin is held as part of a series of creative meetings with members of the Russian Photo club. Meetings, lectures, and practical classes will be held at the Classic Photography Gallery every weekend. Dates and times of events can be found on the website in the section "Events".
Pitenin Dmitry
He studied photography on his own. Books, trials, errors, analysis, imitation and repetition. The constant search for "their". I did not have a childhood with Smena, as well as long hours in the bathroom with a red light and the smell of reagents. There was some kind of film soap dish for pictures in a family album. And that’s all.
The world began to slowly turn over after buying a digital camera. I always did not like to do something thoughtlessly, I became interested, delve into. And got involved. At first, absolutely any genres were interested, I wanted to try everything - there are so many interesting things in the world of photography. Gradually, I found “mine”: the inner strings vibrate with a gentle and “goosebump” timbre precisely when shooting nature.
In other genres I’m an outside observer: I like to watch, but I don’t want to shoot. However, sometimes I take pictures of the cityscape, trying to find places without a noticeable influence of time - wires, cars, advertising. I love landscape abstractions.
If they ask me what my pictures are about, I will answer: “About beauty in the ordinary. About how often in the hustle and bustle of the days we don’t notice much and don’t attach importance to it. About the fragility and majesty of nature. " I try to convey simple sensations - roughness of stones, solar heat and freshness of the wind. Simple joys.
Member of the Russian Geographical Society, the Union of Photographers of Russia, the Russian Photo Club. At the moment I’m leading an author’s column on landscape photography in the magazine Russian Photo
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