Creative meeting with Andrei Bronnikov:
about photography, the treasures of the Scythians and again about photography
Automatic translate
12 Ноября
Галерея Классической Фотографии
Саввинская набережная, дом 23 стр. 1
The Classic Photography Gallery will present an album dedicated to Scythian art.
A creative meeting will take place on November 12 at 15:00 in the Gallery of Classical Photography with Andrei Bronnikov, a geologist by education, a vocation photographer, a traveler by nature, a creative figure in the opinion of an army of admirers of his talent.
Andrey Bronnikov was born in Krasnoyarsk. In 1995 he graduated from the geological faculty of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. From 1994 to 2002 he organized and carried out many geological expeditions in the White Sea region. Seriously carried away by photography in 1995. Main genres: scientific and landscape photography. He worked with museum collections in Russia, Germany, France, England, Italy, South Africa, Australia and other countries. Since 2000, one of the leading glossy and advertising photographers. As a commercial photographer, he spent several thousand shootings. Filmed for L`Officiel, Vogue, GQ, Harper`s Bazaar, AD, Robb Report, Glamor, Elle and dozens of other publications. The general public is familiar with numerous works for Channel One and Russian film projects. The author of several international advertising campaigns, a recognized expert in subject and jewelry shooting.
In his work, Bronnikov always follows the advice that the master of domestic photography Vadim Gippenreiter gave him at one time - to tell the story in one frame, when one picture becomes an entire book for the viewer. Being an adherent of a large format and possessing a phenomenal ability to feel and convey the uniqueness of an object, the artist creates canvases of grand scale, blurring the line between reality and photography.
One of the landmarks of Andrei Bronnikov’s multifaceted work is a project to create an album of archaeological finds “Treasures of the Valley of the Kings of Tuva”, commissioned by the Kuzhuget Shoigu Cultural Foundation. An impressive folio (33.3 cm wide, 45.5 cm high, 5 cm thick), by the way, weighing about seven kilograms, will be presented at the meeting - participants will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the one-of-a-kind photographic work on the pages of which are imprinted with gold jewelry from the Scythian barrow "Arzhan-2". The photographs in Andrei Bronnikov’s album show objects in great detail. They allow you to see the features of metal processing - soldering, forging, minting of gold products. And the black background of the pictures, reminiscent of velvet, emphasizes the grace, skill and accuracy of the work of the ancient masters.
In addition to the above, it will not be out of place to add that thanks to the photographs of Andrei Bronnikov, scientists were able to make several discoveries. Being a modest and not a media person, but ardently passionate about photography, Andrey undoubtedly deserves the title of an interesting storyteller and a worthy teacher. A creative meeting with him will take place in the format of live communication, during which guests will be able to ask the photographer their questions. During the meeting, Andrei will tell how his career in photography began, about the most unusual and interesting pictures that he managed to take during his 20-year career, about a professional creed, about teachers and idols.
The event will be held at the following address: Savvinskaya Naberezhnaya, building 23, 1. Drive to the Sportivnaya metro station, the last car from the center. Entrance to the meeting by tickets to the gallery. Inquiries by phone: +7 495 510-77-13.
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