Creative meeting at the exhibition of avant-garde artist Eli Belyutin "Contact"
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11 Мая
Пермская государственная художественная галерея
Комсомольский проспект, 4
On May 11, at 19:00, we invite all lovers of abstract art and everything that does not fit into the classical canons of the fine, into the Perm Gallery for a creative meeting “Think With Feelings”.
The meeting will begin with a sightseeing tour of the exhibition of works by Elia Belyutin and an introduction to his theory of art.
And then, following the basic principles of Elia Belyutin’s creative approach, we will try to abandon the image of “external” reality and reflect only our feelings on paper.
Like the students of Eliya Belyutin’s studio “New Reality”, we will create with all sorts of improvised means: paints, pencils, bottles, brushes, napkins and glasses.
Age category 14+.
Entrance to the meeting by gallery tickets. Admission is free for children under 18 years old.
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