"Triumphal Arch". Olga Bozhko
Automatic translate
с 23 Сентября
по 20 ОктябряЦентр Творческих Индустрий “Фабрика”
Переведеновский пер., д.18
The exhibition was implemented as part of the Factory Workshops. Session IV. "
As you know, the triumphal arches were installed at the entrance to the cities, at the end of the streets, on bridges, on large roads in honor of the winners or in memory of important events. They were intended for ceremonial entries. The installation of Olga Bozhko repeats this architectural construction not only in its form, but partly also for its intended purpose. Made of multi-colored packaging boxes, she pompously announces the “victory” of the consumer society.
Every day, a modern person purchases goods in packages: often the box itself is much larger than the product inside. A lot of people are working on its creation - manufacturers, designers, huge amounts of money are spinning in the back of this process. But then they just throw it away - in one minute it completely loses its value. Nevertheless, it is all this packaging "tinsel" that rules the world. Bright, multi-colored, constantly changing boxes compete with each other, attract the attention of buyers to the product. And the artist creates the work “for the wickedness of the day” - perpetuating the momentary, but nevertheless dictating to us the rules of the game and life, “triumphantly” winning.
Artist: Olga Bozhko
Exhibition curator: Julia Lebedeva
Within the framework of the program “Factory workshops. Session IV
Dates: 09/23/2017 - 10/20/2017, Tue-Sun 12.00 - 20.00
Opening of the exhibition September 22, 2017, 19:00
Venue: Center of Creative Industries "Factory", "Finishing Shop", p. four,
1st floor (Entrance No. 1)
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