"Three artists:
V.A. Drezina, N.O. Tolstaya, T.A. Faidysh" Painting. Abstraction
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с 14 Июля
по 13 АвгустаКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
Faydysh Tatyana Andreevna
Rod in 1955 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikova in 1980. Her works are in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Art Museums of Voronezh and Kemerovo, the Zimmerli Art museum, New Jersey (USA), private collections in Russia, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Norway, the USA, and Finland.
For Tatyana Faydysh, painting, deeply personal, emotional, often dramatic, is a state of mind. In the works of the artist there is no literary plot. This is a geometrically symbolic, planar, decorative surreal world that does not appeal to the mind, but to hidden feelings, the subconscious, causing in the imagination, like classical music, the most unexpected associations.
In the late 80s, Tatyana Faydysh left figurativeness and turned to abstract art, in her opinion, more adequate to the spirit of the times, the expectations of the audience and, most importantly, their own, internal state. The source of inspiration for her was the artists of the Russian avant-garde, Matisse, Picasso, German expressionists. But direct quotes cannot be found in her canvases - her works have their own face and their own special emotional character.
The compositional constructions of Tatyana Faydysh are always unexpected. The "characters" of her paintings enter into complex interactions, can violate boundaries, breaking free from their boundaries, leaving a free area. And sometimes the artist, as if revealing a plane, cuts the canvas, leaving the third dimension.
Refined and color schemes of works. In the worlds of her canvases, space, form and color conflict, pulsate, live their intense, bright, tragic life. The paintings have a special monumental structure and their own musical intonation.
Natalia Olegovna Tolstaya
Natalia Tolstaya is from the family of Count Tolstoy. Natalia’s father, Oleg Vladimirovich Tolstoy, the great-grandson of Lev Nikolaevich, was born in Yugoslavia; only in 1945 did his family return to Russia.
Natalia was born in Moscow, from 1966 to 1972 she studied at the Moscow Art School (Moscow Secondary School of Art), then in Stroganov with Geliy Korzhev, at the faculty of monumental and decorative painting. Joining the Moscow Union of Artists, from 1981 she began to participate in exhibitions from Yasnaya Polyana to Paris and other European capitals. Her easel work combines painting and a collage of photographs, buttons and other "non-core" materials. One of Tolstoy’s recent monumental works is a ceiling in the Small Hall of the Moscow House of Music.
Natalia Tolstaya loves working with buttons, iron, and other items that are often outdated. The artist gives them a second life, although she uses them minimally in her paintings. After all, these things carry the energy of their former owners. The artist’s works can be called philosophical collages. Natalia plays with objects, placing them in the space of the picture so that they acquire the forms she needs. She uses local colors. He especially loves red - joyful and optimistic. He creates a good mood not only with the artist, but also with everyone around him.
Natalia Tolstoy’s works are in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the Kemerovo Regional Museum of Fine Arts, the Yaroslavl Art Museum, and private collections in Russia, Italy, Norway, Germany, Finland, and the USA.
Maria G. Dreznina
Maria Grigoryevna Dreznina was born in Moscow in the artist’s family. Her mother, Vera Aleksandrovna Dreznina, was a bright personality and talented painter, known among the Moscow intelligentsia.
Artist, teacher, art therapist of the Department of Aesthetic Education of Children and Youth of the A. Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. Methodologist of the Center for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction "Presnensky."
Maria Dreznina in 1972 graduated from high school of art (MAKSH), then the State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov, the workshop of theatrical and decorative painting led by M.M. Kurilko-Ryumin in 1978. For several years she has been actively working as a production designer and costume designer in the theaters of Moscow, Penza, Vienna.
Since 1982 - a member of the picturesque section of the Moscow Union of Artists. Participant of exhibitions in Russia and abroad. The works of M. G. Dreznina are in private collections in Russia, Austria, Belgium, Israel, Germany, and the USA.
In 1975, she began teaching activities. M. G. Dreznina teaches in children’s studios, at the Krasnopresnenskaya art school in Moscow, begins to work in children’s psychological centers.
Since 1988, she has been conducting classes in fine art with children at the Artek pioneer camp in Crimea. Creates a series of paintings in Artek parks. In 1993, in the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val, an exhibition of the author’s studio by M. G. Dreznina “Home Theater” (curated by A. Chudetskaya) was held. From 1997-2000, M. G. Dreznina, together with the Ecology of Childhood Foundation, has been conducting a series of large-scale social and artistic programs for children and parents at the annual international exhibition World of Childhood. (Moscow, at the Expocenter on Krasnaya Presnya). In 2000, the project by M. G. Dreznina, “Panorama of Moscow Life by the Hands of Children”, created jointly with E. Polyakova, won the competition for the grant of the Moscow Charity Reserve Fund in the category “Vacation in the City”.
Since 1993, M. G. Dreznina is one of the founders and a member of the Metamorphosis International Association of Art Educators and Art Therapists.
Since 2001, Maria Grigorievna is a member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League (PPL), a regular participant in the All-Russian conferences on psychotherapy in the children’s and adolescent sections.
The exhibition runs until August 13th.
Address: Str. Lenin, 103. Museum hours: daily from 10-00 to 18-00. Saturday - from 11-00 to 19-00
Monday - day off
Phone for inquiries: 56-28-30
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