Transformation. Female image
Automatic translate
с 10 по 24 Апреля
Ар Деко
Лужнецкая набережная, 2/4, стр.4
International Multimedia Exhibition Project “Transformation. Female image. " (Spring alternative 2019).
The exposition will be presented at the Art Deco Museum (Moscow) from April 10, 2019 to April 24, 2019.

The project presents creative research in the field of transformation of female images in the 20-21st centuries. To be or not to be. What is beauty. What is the external and internal freedom for a woman. A woman outside the context of social roles. She chooses and invents games herself, sets and changes the rules imposed by society, stereotypes, and specific people in the fate of each. It is organic in any field, whether it be art, fashion, sports, business, politics, science, technology, home, and so on. Well, and of course its spring transformation. We consider and destroy the standards and stereotypes imposed by fashion, television, cinema, talk shows, the Internet, and glossy publications.
Artists, designers, sculptors, photographers, artists from the creative association and the Tetra Art TSHR section tried to maximize the topic.
Curator Eugene Netra.
Address Hall (Art Deco Museum): Moscow, Luzhnetskaya naber. 2/4 p. 4 Art Deco Museum. Tel (495) 514 7302. Directions: from metro Leninsky Prospect, further along the bridge over the river. Moscow (past the Academy), descending the stairs to the left, Museum (10-15 min); From metro Vorobevy Gory, passage to Luzhnetskaya embankment, then left to the bridge, left the entrance through the barrier (15 min)
The project is initiated by the Tetra-Art TS, with the support of the TSHR and other creative associations of Moscow and Russia.
- Exhibition of photographs by Pavel Antonov in the State Museum of Technology named after A.A. Bahrushina
- Marianna Kornilova: Insight. The inner light of the sudden insight of Leonid Theodore.
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