Quiet life
Automatic translate
с 10 по 22 Июля
Центральный Дом художника
Крымский Вал, 10
Central House of Artists, Krymsky Val, 10
2 floor, 11 hall
Anemones, mackerel, jars with spices, pumpkins and pears, old irons and teapots, garlic heads, backpacks and women’s shoes… Only an artist is able to separate the real world from the context of life, show the amazing significance and beauty of small objects, such, it seems, ordinary and routine.
Still life has always been one of the favorite genres of painters: someone showed objects delicately and as if by chance, while others exhibited, as if in a shop window. Still life could be the embodiment of pure beauty, but could serve as an allegorical instruction about the futility of pleasures and the inevitability of death. The silence of the subject and its unrequited readiness for any experiment on itself attracted Cezanne and after it the cubists, Morandi “built the cathedrals out of bottles”… The impressionists in search of a “phenomenon” cleared all signs of existence from objects, abstractionists, comprehending the real world, completely annihilated the real form.
Artcultivator and on-line auction "Pictures at Friendly Prices" present the exhibition Silent Life | Still life | Stilleben | Stilleven. The exhibition presents more than 70 paintings and graphic works created by Moscow artists in the genre of still life.
Within the framework of the exhibition, a special on-line auction of the participants of the Silent Life exhibition will be held on the facebook resource Pictures at Friendly Prices (facebook / groups / ArtForFriends).
Participants: Abidina Anna, Andreyanova Ekaterina, Andrianovskaya Elena, Bogdanova Irina, Bolshakova Julia, Voroshilova Natalia, Kazakova Maria, Kazarina Natalya, Kalinkina Dina, Kolesov Maxim, Kolokolchikov Sergey, Kononova Lyuben, Lipen Svetlana, Ovsyannikov Victor, Petrova Natalia, Pecherskikh Irina, Polikarpov Sergey, Polikarpova Olga, Pogrebnaya Anatoly, Sokolova Marina, Strukova Lyudmila, Sukhova Galina, Fedotova Olga, Khabibova Irina, Tsarevsky Yuri