"Quiet is my Russia." Exhibition of works by Sergey Kupriyanov
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с 20 Декабря
по 8 ЯнваряРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
December 20, 2016 at 17 hours in the exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts at the address: st. Prechistenka, 21 opens an exhibition of works by the national artist of Russia, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts, member of the International Academy of Creativity Sergei Kupriyanov, "Silent Mine Russia."
The exposition includes about 200 works created over several decades.
The creativity of S. Kupriyanov develops the traditions of Russian realistic art. Subtle, piercing landscapes, imbued with a quivering sense of unity with nature, expressive portraits and still lifes are made using the technique of watercolor and pastel.
S. A. Kupriyanov was born in 1928 in Moscow in the artist’s family. In 1954 he graduated from the Moscow Art Institute. V.I. Surikova, Department of Graphics. He worked at the publishing houses: Detgiz, Young Guard, Kid, where he illustrated more than a hundred books of children’s literature, including works by A. P. Chekhov, V. Bianchi, E. Charushin, G. Snegirev, I Sokolova-Mikitova and others.
The artist’s favorite theme is landscapes of Russia: endless fields and calm river flow, snowy forest and spring flowering of gardens, a golden avenue in autumn and modest meadow grasses, ancient churches and rickety village huts. He writes nature at all times of the year, masterfully conveying its most complex states. The artist believes that the most important thing in the landscape is the mood, and if it is conveyed to the viewer, it is a great success and joy for him.
In chamber canvases, the artist creates a generalized image of his homeland, while maintaining the immediacy of natural perception. The artist’s true mastery is also manifested in the finest color landscapes built on the nuances of color and complex light-tone relationships: “Autumn lace”, “Morning foggy”, “First green”, and in bright, rich still lifes: “Golden balls”, “Sunflowers” "," White Peonies. "
A special place in the artist’s work is occupied by the theme of his native city. His watercolors reflected the uniqueness and uniqueness of Zamoskvorechye - a reserved corner of old Moscow. He dedicated a whole series of paintings to Pyatnitskaya Street: “This is my street, I grew up on it and lived my whole life,” the artist says, “mansions with columns, with vignettes please the soul…”.
Many of the artist’s works convey the author’s thoughts about the difficult ups and downs of life. His paintings: “The Duma of the Russian Field”, “Steps of Life”, “In Memory of V. M. Shukshin”, “Everything Passes” - evoke various associations, make the viewer think about the eternal categories of kindness and beauty.
The poetic art of S. Kupriyanov, surprisingly pure, humane, sincere, reminds us of how beautiful the land on which we live is.
The exhibition runs on January 8, 2017.