Automatic translate
с 15 Декабря
по 15 ФевраляТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "C", 1st floor.
"Structures" is a personal exhibition of an artist who creates works using programmed robots.
Two weeks are left until the end of the exhibition of the famous contemporary Russian artist and designer. The works that you can see in ARTMUZE were created by programming robots: according to the master’s idea, thought out in advance, machines pour paint on the canvas. The artist creates at the intersection of art and science, subordinating a huge number of various tools to his creative ideas. Viewing Malkhasyan’s paintings is akin to unraveling an image encoded in a unique code, because in the process of creation, the author’s initial idea is subject to natural forces. The author brings a heightened perception of today’s world to his works, using petroleum products as paint pigments. He is convinced that “a person should live in this century and work with the materials of the century. Only I can’t paint with money, so that leaves the oil! "