The Bounty Killart. A look from the future:
excavations of a 21st century temple in Lucca
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с 3 Сентября
по 9 ЯнваряМузей современного искусства Эрарта
Васильевский остров, 29-я линия, д.2
Erarta Museum presents the first exhibition in Russia by the Italian duo The Bounty Killart, whose ironic sculptures invite the viewer to look at our everyday life through the eyes of a man of the future.

For four months, the exposition space of Erarta will turn into an ancient temple discovered by scientists of the second millennium - an archaeological find of 3115, which gives a comprehensive idea of the habits, ideals, worries and dreams of earthlings of the XXI century. This concept of the project allows visitors to simultaneously make two journeys in time: into the past and into the future.
The exhibition “The Bounty Killart. A Look from the Future: Excavation of a 21st Century Temple in Lucca "gives the viewer the opportunity to see the life of his day from the outside - to look at it through the eyes of a new generation of people who are unfamiliar with books and TV, Instagram and Tinder, plush toys and blockbusters. The future has already arrived - and its inhabitants are immeasurably more perfect, more rational than their distant ancestors, that is, you and me. Such a technique “alienates” modernity from the viewer and helps to comprehend it in an ironic way: is it really important what seems to us important today? Are those seated on modern Olympus so divine?
Visitors to the Erarta Museum will see 31 sculptures created by the duo Gvaltero Jacopo Marcioretto and Dionigi Biolatti in plaster, resin, bronze, artificial ceramics and other materials. In all works, both large-scale and small, classical plots (for example, the myth of Sisyphus) and images (Venus, Saint Sebastian) wittily combine with modernity, forcing the viewer to recognize himself in the heroes of his past. The effect of the temple space is created by large-scale sculptures reaching 3 meters in height and 8 meters in width. The semantic center of the exposition is a huge sculpture "Gigantomachia", created by artists in collaboration with the Erarta Museum. Referring to the legendary battle of the titans, this eight-meter composition represents the colossus defeated by Zeus - the personification of the vices of our time and, possibly, of the entire culture of our day.
The rest of the sculptures on display are a reflection of this culture: they embody - and sometimes ridicule - the typical concerns of a person of the 21st century: fruitless romantic searches (Tinder Surprise, 2016), loneliness (Outcast, 2017), political protest (“ Hungry Man ", 2017;" The Power of Law ", 2016). Each work correlates with one or another phenomenon that is well known to each of us, and the exhibition as a whole examines these phenomena in the context of the culture of the future.
The exhibition "A Look from the Future: Excavations of the Lucca Temple of the 21st Century" in the Erarta Museum gives the viewer the opportunity to rethink the values of the current millennium and evaluate what today seems to us to be the achievements of human thought and progress, from the height of a completely new experience. And perhaps ironic over yourself.
About the authors:
The members of The Bounty Killart met and became friends at an art school in the early 2000s. In 2002, students of the Albertina Academy of Turin, Gvaltero Jacopo Markioretto, Rocco D’Emilio, Dionigi Biolatti and Marco Orazi, united in an art group. The works on display belong to the duo Gvaltero Jacopo Markioretto and Dionigi Biolatti. Having taken a liking to the technique of sculpture, these natives of Turin use it very successfully to reveal topical issues.
Artists regularly participate in group and solo exhibitions at home and abroad:
2017 - "Mutiny on the Bounty", curated by Luca Beatrice Marcorossi, artecontemporanea gallery, Pietrasanta, Milan, Verona, Turin (Italy)
2014 - Beyond the Classics, National Academy Museum, New York (USA)
2014 - Biennale of Young Artists, Bologna Academy of Fine Arts (Italy)
2011 - "The Last Word in Art", 54th Venice Biennale, Arsenal, Venice (Italy)
2010 - "Blank Slate", Allegra Ravizza Art Project, Milan (Italy)
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