"The mystery of nature." Exhibition of works by Tatyana Obraztsova
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с 25 Сентября
по 13 ОктябряГалерея искусств Зураба Церетели
ул. Пречистенка, 19
In the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Zurab Tsereteli Gallery of Art opens an exhibition of works by the candidate of art criticism, professor, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, honorary art worker of the city of Moscow Tatyana Ivanovna Obraztsova.
Tatyana Obraztsova graduated from MGHPA them. S. G. Stroganova in 1986, in 1991 - postgraduate study in the specialty "art criticism", defended her thesis on "Russian folk traditions in Soviet propaganda decorative and applied art of the 1920s-1930s." After graduation, she taught there at the department of “Art Textile”, among the disciplines - design, composition, painting on fabrics. For a year she worked as a costume designer at Mosfilm, where he was engaged in the restoration of historical costumes for the films War and Peace and The Marriage of Balzaminov. She continued her professional activities at the A.N. Kosygin Russian State University, where for 12 years she headed the Design Institute (Faculty). Today, she is the Deputy Head of the UNESCO International Chair of Fine Arts and Architecture at the Russian Academy of Arts.
T. I. Obraztsova is the author of numerous scientific articles, a participant in conferences, a laureate of creative contests and exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Twice was the winner of the Victoria Union of Designers of Russia Prize for the best work in the field of design, the winner of the Grand Prix of the Moscow International Festival of Arts “Traditions and Modernity” - “Faith”. For her creative work she was awarded departmental and academic awards, including an honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2010), a silver medal for the “Decent” Russian Academy of Arts (2012), a medal of Fyodor Parmon of the International Union of Designers Union )2011), Certificate of Merit of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2011).
Tatyana Obraztsova says so about her career:
“My creative life was, perhaps, like that of most professional artists: training, the illusion of exceptional talent, then confusion, creative self-flagellation and, finally, a real search for individuality, personal style, type of creativity, theme and form, and most importantly - an original idea, an internal meaning and spiritual unity with the work. As a result, my creative research was embodied in painting and decorative panels in related techniques. The comprehension of the basics of carpet weaving has determined the elements of the "tapestry technique" in painting, the study of ways to create all kinds of fabrics has led to the use of textiles and accessories in decorative panels. Intricate simplicity, the lack of elaboration of details, and the endless movement of lines became characteristic of picturesque works. Decorative panel-collages have found the layering of various materials and techniques… ".
The main theme in the work of T. Obraztsova was “the sacraments of nature”. In her paintings, azure, emerald and brown colors predominate, and in the panel - naturalistic decorative elements are used. It is as if the artist is trying to transfer the viewer from the real world to the voluminous world of his “natural” works - divine and therefore differently meaningful. Tatyana Obraztsova emphasizes that the works presented on display are a kind of key to understanding the true nature of the Universe:
“Over time, a thematic canvas of works has developed. The source of inspiration was not real life, but the boundless expanses of the Earth, where cities and countries are connected not by highways of modern civilizations, but by endless caravans of mountains, lurking treasures of gems, bottomless lakes, wandering heavens embodied in mysterious imagery in which the outlines of bizarre animals are visible, birds, fish and other creatures, seen and unprecedented.
The magic of the cycle of nature: the change of day and night, harmony and riot of colors of sunrise and sunset, flowering and wilting excite the imagination. Waiting for a miracle, foreboding of mystery is always with me - in thoughts, dreams, pictures. The desire to get into a fairy tale gives rise to feelings and defines a creative idea in an associative embodiment.
The appeal to the prototypes of a living planet is not accidental. The theme of nature protects from half-heartedness and compromise, provides the artist with complete freedom of creativity. Whether this is true joy, truth and the power of art. ”
According to Tatyana Obraztsova, the meaning of her modest work as an artist and a person is to live, create, comprehending the mysterious labyrinths of the surrounding world. The presented exposition is an attempt to reflect a small reflection of the limitless space of the universe, which carefully preserves the magic, beauty and power of the mysteries of nature.
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