"Tactile exhibition" Visible Petersburg "
Automatic translate
с 10 по 29 Октября
Калужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
October 10 at 15-00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103, second floor) for the first time will open a unique project from St. Petersburg "Tactile exhibition" Visible Petersburg ".
This project was created for the first time in Russia and is aimed at the interactive perception of art objects by blind and visually impaired people. The main objective of the “Visible Petersburg” project is to provide an opportunity for acquaintance of blind people of various ages with the history and culture of St. Petersburg in an accessible format for them; as well as acquaint specialists and the general public with the possibilities of adapting historical and architectural monuments for people with vision problems.
Visible Petersburg is an exhibition that completely ignores the stereotypical ban “Don’t breathe on masterpieces!” You can not only breathe on the exhibits: they can be touched, touched, ironed. Indeed, the ability to freely touch exhibits is a rarity in museums. Here, tactile sensations are the main way to get to know them. A large number of adapted interactive exhibits are presented at the exhibition: tactile books on museums, relief-graphic manuals on the history of the city and 3D models of architectural monuments of St. Petersburg. The three-dimensional model allows blind and visually impaired people to understand the volume and shape of the building as a whole, tactile books tell about some museums, and embossed graphics help to consider specific details of the monuments, and even take an independent walk along Nevsky Prospect. Each exhibit is labeled in Braille. All exhibits are made using special unique technologies with the participation of defectologists.
Within the framework of the exhibition, people with visual impairments are also offered to get acquainted with a relief tactile map of the central part of St. Petersburg, with 15 simplified models of architectural monuments of the city indicated on it. Working with a map allows blind visitors to understand the structure of the city, determine the main road and water arteries, and determine the location of the main sightseeing objects.
People without visual impairments at the exhibition will be interested to get acquainted with the paintings of blind and visually impaired artists of St. Petersburg, who, using various techniques and methods in their work, presented the views of St. Petersburg.
Acquaintance with the exhibition is provided in two formats: a group excursion visit accompanied by a specialist and independent acquaintance with the exhibition through a specially designed adapted audio guide.
The exhibition will be open for visitors until October 29, 2017, at the address: st. Lenin d. 103.
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