from cab to the present day
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Taxi - a type of transport that carries passengers or cargo from one destination to another. A distinctive feature of the taxi are "Checkers", which are mounted on the roof of the car.
As cars are usually used sedans, minivans and sometimes limousines. Communication with the dispatcher is carried out by radio or telephone, but the Japanese prefer navigation through GPS.
In large cities, along with cars, minibuses also appear, the main task of which is to transport passengers along a certain route. Unlike regular buses, a fixed-route taxi stops and disembarks passengers along the route in all places where stopping is not prohibited by road rules.
The first taxi appeared in ancient Rome. It was an ordinary chariot with a very interesting "taximeter" (a basin that was attached to the axis of the chariot), payment was made according to the number of stones that fell into the basin at the end of the trip.
In 1636, prototypes of taxis appeared in London, but in order to carry out this activity, coachmen had to first obtain a license.
By the middle of the 19th century a “cab” appeared - an open two-wheeled wagon.
In 1890, fiacre appeared in France, they did not last long due to the lack of a single tariff for transportation.
In 1891, the world’s first taximeter (Wilhelm Bruhn) was invented.
In Russia, however, the taximeter appeared at the end of the 19th century (a small box with a window where 2 fares were visible: normal and "elevated"). By this time, St. Petersburg and Moscow were already considerable transport hubs, which had more than dozens of railway stations.
Taxi drivers were not very happy with the innovation, they could no longer independently increase the price, thereby hiding part of their income from the owner of the taxi fleet.
In the USSR, the most developed taxi service appeared in the 30-50s of the 20th century. These were passenger “victory”, “winters”, “Volga” and “emki”.
Additional taxi services
- VIP class car rental;
- freight transportation - transportation of overall cargo;
- tow truck - towing a failed car;
- autopilot - delivery of a tipsy driver in his own car;
- intercity taxi;
- meeting passengers at the airport.
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