Holy lands of Russian
Automatic translate
с 18 по 14 Января
Музей-заповедник “Коломенское”
проспект Андропова, д.39
During the year, in the Duma Chamber of the Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, 24 icon-painting monuments from the collection of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve will be presented in turn. The works will change every two weeks, and the order of exposure will be closer to the veneration of saints in the church calendar.

The icons depict images of saints, especially revered by the Russian Church. These are warrior princes - defenders of the fatherland, great saints, church writers and preachers, founders of monasteries, fools for Christ’s sake. All of them took an active part in the formation and strengthening of the state: they reconciled the princes, blessed the soldiers for victory, built churches, carried the Orthodox dogma to many peoples who inhabited the Russian lands.
The icons presented at the exhibition came to the Kolomensky collection in the 1920s and 30s, when churches and monasteries were closed for worship everywhere, and monuments of church art were threatened with physical destruction. Thanks to the efforts of museum staff, these works were saved, restored and entered the treasury of national and world culture.
Working hours: Tue-Sun: 10:00-18:00, closed on Monday.
Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Duma Chamber, entrance 1.
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