Exhibition "Light Shape Color" 12 +
Automatic translate
с 4 по 22 Марта
Галерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10

On March 5, a photo project of the experimental creative workshop of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, dedicated to the 80th birthday of Ivan Borisovich Porto, opens in the Nagornaya gallery of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association.
Ivan Borisovich Porto is a well-known Russian art critic, photo artist, founder of the TSHR art photo section, uniting around himself photo masters of different generations. He quite reasonably ranked himself among those who deliberately broke the established stereotype of photography as a lesson from art. And today it is clear how contemporary art is unthinkable without photography.
The name of the project was not chosen by chance. One of the topics that Ivan Borisovich addressed in his work is “Form and Color”. She is an example of that magical magic of photo art, which appears as if from nothing. The work is not born out of the subject, not from a pre-selected topic, but from the internal understanding of the image, where photographing is not an end in itself, but only a way of expressing one’s own vision of the world, an attempt by the language of art of photography to restore the lost harmony to the world.
According to I. B. Porto, the defining characteristic of art photography is its maximum approximation in visual perception to the classical forms of art of painting and graphics. The form and the light and color that form it are the most important elements that contribute to the full disclosure of the author’s artistic expression, regardless of realistic or abstract creative tasks in figurative and non-figurative photography. An artist can be inspired not so much by the holistic image of an object as by its fragments. At the same time, the unusual image angle allows you to convey the characteristic features of the object: the volume structure, the shape design, and the play of light and shadow - to emphasize its plastic virtues, the beauty of color, the originality of texture.
"… The art of photography should not be verbose, it should be expressive with its forms, its lines, color, it should be restrained and worthy."
In their works, the authors demonstrate the unlimited possibilities of photographic equipment from film format cameras to smartphones and the latest digital technologies, the use of various materials and the endless variety of visual language of narration, where you can familiarize yourself with the individual features of each author’s work, its style.
The central place in the exposition is rightfully occupied by the works of Ivan Borisovich Porto. And films shown at the exhibition will allow you to get acquainted with his work and artistic activities.
As part of the exhibition, a round table is planned with photo artists and art historians, as well as master classes with project participants.
Curator and project manager Maxim Kireev.
The head of the experimental creative workshop PORAH and TSHR - Konstantin Khudyakov.
Participants, members of the art photo section of the TSHR and PAX from Moscow, Moscow Region, Ivanovo, Saratov and Beijing (China): Anton Batishev, Galina Bolotskikh, Maria Vyazhevich, Serge Golovach, Alexander Ivannikov, Olga Kazantseva, Victor Kalinin, Maxim Kireev, Galina Kuznetsova, Konstantin Markov, Alexander Moskvitin, Yuri Nabatov, Alexey Nagaev, Natalya Povarova, Dmitry Rosenbaum, Sergey Savelyev, Marina Soboleva, Boris Sysoev, Sergey Tolmachev, Alexey Filonenko, Konstantin Khudyakov, Irina Chep and Lisa Eshva.
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