Suren Harutyunyan "Wonders of the World"
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с 1 по 30 Июня
Государственный музей архитектуры имени А.В. Щусева
ул. Воздвиженка, д.5/25
State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchuseva presents the exhibition project of Suren Harutyunyan “Wonders of the World”.

Wonders of the World project is a series of diptychs and triptychs (painting / photography) that capture people, landscapes and architecture from Cappadocia and Syria to Zimbabwe and Easter Island. A passion for travel, once inspired by a book from his childhood, Les Merveilles du Monde, turned out to be an important component of Suren Harutyunyan’s art. The result of wanderings was a series of slides and paintings, which then formed into pairs - and here we have before us the quintessence of a creative path. Photography and painting are parallel, reality rhymes with its reflection in the mirror of abstraction. Seen through the lens of the camera is divided into lines, spots and volumes and collected again in the form of a pictorial formula. People, their homes, food, music, land - the artist’s circle of interests is as simple at first glance as it is immense. Making his way through the layers of cultural layers, cutting off the excess, the artist presents us with his version of the universe. And the more technological the modern world becomes, the more valuable this experience is for the viewer, who gets a rare opportunity to join in the preservation of elusive beauty.
Suren Harutyunyan was born in Moscow in 1950 in a family of artists, a graduate of the Moscow Higher School of Art and Industry (now the Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after S. G. Stroganov). In the late 1970s, Suren Harutyunyan emigrated from the country and currently lives and works in Portugal, regularly participates in group and personal exhibitions around the world, and continues to travel actively.
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