Print studio
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с 7 Октября
по 31 ДекабряКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина 103,104

On October 7 at 14.00 at the Information, Education and Exhibition Center, a branch of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts, a Print Studio will open. The event is planned as part of the Plan of Regional Events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory.
The purpose of the opening of the Print Studio is to popularize graphics as an interesting type of fine art in the form of master classes for adults and children on making prints.
Print - from the French. estampe - stamp, imprint - a work of graphic art, which is an engraving or other print on paper from a printing plate (matrix). A print as a work of production graphics has a specificity in relation to authorship: those prints made by the artist himself or the printer with the participation of the author with consecutive proofreading of the prints are considered original. In the Museum Studio, prints will be printed using special equipment - an etching machine from forms cut out on linoleum - linocut. Linocut prints were created by a professional engraver based on original works of famous Soviet graphic artists from the collection of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts. Among them are works by Matvey Dobrov, Konstantin Finogenov, Georgy Nyssa on military topics.Participants of the master class "Creating a Prints" will be able not only to learn about the history and technique of creating linocut, but also to make an impression on an etching machine, having received a finished work of art in just a few minutes. In the future, the participants of the master classes will learn to cut out linoleum engravings themselves under the guidance of an experienced master, and the genre theme of prints will also expand.
Classes at the Print Studio will be held once a month - on the third Saturday of the month for everyone over 10 years old (with an entrance ticket to the museum). This master class can be most interesting for children of senior school age, students and adults. The master class is also recommended for family visits.
Phone for inquiries: (4842) 56-28-30.
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