Stanislav Grozdilov "Psyche"
Automatic translate
с 2 по 28 Сентября
Творческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "Flow", 3rd floor.
The artist and set designer Stanislav Grozdilov created the series "Psyche", dedicated not so much to the experience of emotions as to their creative recognition. The works were influenced by the fact that they were written in San Francisco, where the author notes a special approach to human self-expression.

The exhibition will take place at the Artmuz Museum of Contemporary Art. The series of works under the general title "Psyche" was painted in San Francisco from 2011 to 2016, and paintings from the series have been at collective and thematic exhibitions in different years in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York.
In San Francisco, as Stanislav admits, they are quite careful about the person’s self-expression, no matter how strange it takes. On the streets one can observe a freak show of persons whose “abnormal” state is accepted and even cultivated by society, gradually becoming adequate both for those around them and for the person himself. Without encountering cultural and ethical frameworks, a person relaxes and allows himself to be himself, thereby showing a whole bunch of complex emotions that often have nothing to do with the surrounding reality and especially with the situation in which the “hero” is at the moment.
The series is based on studies of the transmission of complex emotions and the work of Stanislav as a theater artist, namely the ability to get used to various images, experiencing borderline states, remembering or fantasizing - when a person is completely absorbed, looks inward and there is nothing external that can prevent him from being himself. At such moments, the face acquires a certain sculpturality and the colors in which a person sees the world become symbolic.
It is also worth noting that Stanislav Grozdilov never had the goal of portraying mentally unhealthy people, such people for him just well illustrate the openness of their emotional world. Nevertheless, the series "Psyche" shows the hypertrophied behavior of models with the manifestation of typical mental disorders, manic, psychopathic and bipolar manifestations, which the viewer can recognize both in their perfectly healthy acquaintances and in themselves.
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