"Sleeping Beauty". 6+
Automatic translate
12 Мая
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
At the final meeting of the subscription “Musical Journey to the World of Tales”, viewers will see an interactive musical performance based on the tale of S. Perrault.
The action takes us back to medieval France. Characters of the famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault appear before the audience in vivid images. In this performance, music is a full-fledged actor. Children get acquainted with musical instruments - flute and mandolin. The action begins in the Mirror Room, where the Fairy of Music presents spectators with magical musicians who invite children not only to listen to music, but also to dance.
From the Mirror Living Room, young spectators move into a small cozy room, turned into an enchanted kingdom. Here they will hear the story of the Sleeping Beauty to the sounds of the organ and harpsichord.
Music plays in the play not only from the ballet of P.I. Tchaikovsky, but also excerpts from the work of A. Vivaldi, I.S.Bach, W. Byrd, J. Dowland, G. Purcell, J. Svelink, G. Scheidemann, F. Liszt, N. Paganini, O. Messiana, which organically fit into the outline of the narrative.
The premiere of the performance took place in August 2010.
Anna Yakovleva
laureate of international competitions Olga Kotlyarova (organ, harpsichord)
Laureate of international competitions Natalya Kapustina (flute)
Vladimir Vodyannikov (mandolin)
Natalya Orzhevskaya
scriptwriter - Anna Yakovleva
Director - Larisa Poghosyan
artist - Andrey Pronin
Musical Director - Olga Kotlyarova
Beginning at 12 hours and 14 hours
- Igor Dryomin: Vladimir Pronin, exhibition "Eternal Beauty"
- "Woe from Wit" with the young actors in the theater presented to them. Moscow City Council
- Natalya Pronina "Intuition of color"
- “Sleeping Beauty” by Charles Perrault
- “Villette” by Charlotte Brontë
- “Once There Were Wolves” by Charlotte McConaghy