Performance "Bear"
Automatic translate
29 Января
Дом-музей К.С. Станиславского
Леонтьевский пер., д. 6, стр. 1

At 19.00 in the Onegin Hall of the Konstantin Stanislavsky House-Museum (Leontyevsky per., Bldg. 6 bldg. 1), the play “The Bear” will be a joke in one act. What could be more fun for the inexperienced viewer, who may have come to the theater for the first time? What could be more sophisticated for an inveterate theater-goer who has seen a dozen "bears" in his time, and with the excitement of a hunter gathering with a horn to the next "den"? What could be more pleasant for the artists than to play in this elegant and sparkling play by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, to the mutual pleasure of his and the public?
Theater MVHT
Stage Director: Oleg Meshkova.
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