Performance "Cabaret" Epidemic ", or Cabaret Epidemic" Automatic translate
12 Марта
Театр-кабаре “Богема”
ул. Большая Садовая, дом 10
On March 12, 2016, the Bohemian Theater-Cabaret, led by Lada Deniz, invites you to the premiere of his musical performance Cabaret Epidemic, or Cabaret Epidemic, at the Theater named after Bulgakov at Moscow, st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, house 10.
A real time travel awaits you: you will be transported into the atmosphere of a Russian cabaret of the beginning of the 20th century, where you will enjoy the music performed by P. Leshchenko, Yu. Morfessi, A. Vertinsky and Lyalya Chernaya in these institutions; hear poems of the poets of the Silver Age - V. Mayakovsky, O. Mandelstam and S. Yesenin; wonderful dances, skits, songs and a great play of actors - all this is the evening of a Russian cabaret, which will open its doors to the public for the first time!
We, like every institution of this kind, have their own rules and traditions, and one of them is your participation in the unfolding events. You are waiting for unexpected and pleasant surprises, come and become a part of this action, plunge into an epidemic, creating together with the actors!
The start time of the performance is 20.00
Performance duration - 1 hour 50 minutes with intermission
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