"Creating gravity"
Automatic translate
с 14 Апреля
по 17 МаяТК “Галерея” (ПЕЧАТНИКИ)
ул. Гурьянова, д. 30
Can a blow build? What is common between a tennis ball and a Newton apple? And why should artists look for gravity? These and other questions can be answered by visiting the Moscow art club "Gallery" (Pechatniki), where the exhibition "Creating Gravity" of the famous creative tandem of Valera and Natasha Cherkashin will open. The new Cherkashin project offers a look at gravity, an ordinary physical phenomenon that regulates the condition of every person on Earth, regardless of skin color, age, gender, from a completely different perspective.
The idea of the project arose in one of the sports clubs during Valera Cherkashin’s boxing classes. In the beginning there was a hit… A stroke made by a boxing glove in paint, then by a tennis ball immersed in paint. According to the Cherkashins, “the idea of sport is multi-layered. This is not only points and points, it is the power of impact, a surge of emotions, the joy of victory! With the help of paints we reveal the imprint trace left by what happened. In many ways, the project reflects our emotions and, even, our physical condition. ”
The gravity shown by the artists does not burden or nail to the ground. She is an accomplice in the creative process. Raw paint from the imprint of the ball, under the influence of gravity flows downward, creating their paintings with the Cherkashins. The authors say: “Sometimes we can imagine how the smudges will behave, and sometimes they behave completely unpredictably. Of course, this largely depends on the material - we did the project on wallpaper prepared for painting, but with all our experience and creative luggage, it is impossible to predict everything that will turn out. Spontaneity plays a big role in this project, but the fact that the paint will certainly flow down is a regularity. From this we repelled. ”
Valera and Natasha Cherkashin are artists, living symbols of Russian contemporary art, who have been working together for about 35 years. Starting with traditional materials - paintings, graphics and photographs, they gradually switched to work with photo images, installations, performances, and since 1999 - digital images and video. For a long time they lived in New York. They currently live and work in Moscow. But, in fact, they are citizens of the world.
Cherkashins made more than 150 personal exhibitions and 250 actions - performances. More than seventy TV programs were filmed about them, including CNN, Italian Super Channel, Deutsche Welle, Russian TV. And also, more than two hundred publications in the media were made, including Spark, Washington Post, Art + Auction, Art Forum, Stern Magazine, etc. Their works are in more than 20 major museum and corporate collections: The Art Institute of Chicago ; Boston Museum of Fine Arts; The Museum of Art Philadelphia; Houston Museum of Fine Arts; San Francisco MOMA; State Russian Museum (St. Petersburg), Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin (Moscow) and many others.
- DEVE Gallery Moscow - Bruges represents Valera and Natasha Cherkashin. Exhibition "New York, a hunch."
- Igor Dryomin: Performance "Sweet and sharp gravity"
- “Gravity’s Rainbow” by Thomas Pynchon
- Adam Martinakis. Symbol of Genesis 18+
- Photo exhibition "Peter BW. On this side of the world"
- Thread method of rejuvenation: types of materials and advantages of modern techniques