"Soviet modernism:
and Where:"
Automatic translate
с 18 Августа
по 3 ОктябряГалерея “Беляево”
ул.Профсоюзная, 100

The exhibition in the Belyaevo gallery became the eighth session of the project "Soviet modernism: Where: and where:", dedicated to the Russian architecture of 1955-1985.
The exposition presents modern graphics and installations exploring the problems of the architectural environment of the sleeping areas of Moscow. A number of objects refer the viewer to the works of the artist and poet Dmitry Alexandrovich Prigov, whose work has become an important part of Belyaev’s local identity. The exhibition is complemented by rare objects from the 1950s and 1980s - a set of dolls furniture, an extensive collection of badges, vintage stamps, postcards and other graphic products, including the original booklets of the World Exhibitions in Brussels in 1958 and Montreal in 1967.
The large-scale installation, conventionally reproducing the image of typical metro stations - "Belyaevo" and "Izmailovskaya", will allow visitors to travel from one suburb of Moscow to another along the route of non-conformist artists. Almost 50 years ago, in 1974, the “bulldozer” exhibition, dispersed by the authorities in the Belyaevsky vacant lot, received a legal continuation, moving to the Izmailovsky forest glade. The project "Soviet modernism: Where: and where:", which arose and was first presented in the Izmailovo area, moved to Belyaevo. The circle is complete.
Elizaveta Alexandrovna, artist, curator of the festival of contemporary art DOCA, dean of the Faculty of Design and Photography at IGUMO.
Anastasia Sergeevna, architect, curator of the local history project Mayon Ruzei, dean of the architectural college MKIK.
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