Events of the week at the Irkutsk Art Museum
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This week you have the opportunity to get acquainted with unique exhibits from the collection of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev, play games of noble families, get acquainted with the art gallery of the founder of our museum.
The main building of the museum (Irkutsk, Lenin St., 5). Phone for inquiries: 34-01-46
July 13 at 18.00 - "Long Thursday". Thematic tour "Art of the East." Art historian Alena Kabunova will talk about the museum’s richest eastern collection, using the example of a permanent exhibition devoted to Chinese art and the exhibition of Japanese prints of the 19th-20th centuries “Images of a Changing World”. You can see the unique “Portraits of the Ancestors”, which have no analogues in any museum in Russia, learn about the classical art of China of the XIV-XIX centuries: painting, graphics, the art of wood carving and the secrets of Chinese traditional bronze, as well as look at classic Japanese printed graphics. Participation is by entrance fees to the museum.
July 16 at 12.00 - tour "Acquaintance with the art gallery of V. P. Sukachev." In July, we celebrate the birthday of the founder of our museum, Vladimir Platonovich Sukachev (July 14, according to the old style, 27th, according to the new), whose unique collection of works of art served as the basis for our collection. On a sightseeing tour of the permanent exhibition of the main building, you will see paintings that Vladimir Platonovich bought in various cities of the world, and then donated to Irkutsk. Participation - team, entrance on the excursion price list.
Gallery of Siberian art, st. Karl Marx, 23. Phone for information: 21-70-65
July 13 at 18.30 - "Long Thursday." Excursion "Acquaintance with the unique porcelain iconostasis of the XIX century" in the updated exhibition of the icon hall. Here you will learn the mysterious history of the one-of-a-kind porcelain iconostasis of the famous Perevalov factory. It was restored recently and now occupies an honorable place in the updated exhibition of the iconic hall of the Gallery of Siberian Art. Participation is by entrance fees to the museum.
The estate of V.P. Sukachev (112 December Events St.). Phone for inquiries: 53-12-24
July 13 at 18.00 - "Long Thursday". “Games and entertainments of noble families in the 19th century. We play croquet and cerso. ” Here you will learn how children and adults lived and had fun in those days when the estate was owned by the founder of the Irkutsk art museum - Vladimir Platonovich Sukachev. In addition, try your hand at the old games - croquet and cerso. Participation is by entrance fees to the museum.
- Long Thursday at the Irkutsk Art Museum
- About the best standards of funeral service in the capital
- "Irkutsk. Traditions. Patrons. Dasha Namdakov"
- Lecture "The Image of a Woman in the Mirror of Times"
- Excursion to the exhibition "Road beyond the horizon"
- Thematic tour "Master and Workshop"