Events of the Kashirka Gallery
Automatic translate
October 1 at 18.00 - the opening of the exhibition of concept models "Bionics and Biodesign"
Exhibition of students MGHPA them. S.G. Stroganova is dedicated to bionic form-making in design. "Bionics" (from the Greek. Bion - an element of life) is studying various ways of human development of natural objects. This is the science of systems whose functions copy the functions of living systems or are their analogues.
The program includes a presentation of the book “Bionics. Bionic Formation. " The manual is devoted to the history and theory of bionic shaping, systematizes the experience of course and diploma design of the Department of Industrial Design MGHPA them. S.G. Stroganova in the field of bionic morphogenesis.
Speech by the authors:
- Chervonnaya M.A. - Philosophy of nature and the science of "Bionics."
- Cherniychuk I.A. - Bionic morphogenesis in the program “Volumetric - spatial composition”.
- Zhdanov N.V. - Bioform: analysis, visualization and plastic.
- Uvarov A.V. - Bionic approach in environmental design.
The exhibition is open until December 15th.
October 2 at 18.00 - the opening of the international exhibition "Inomer". Painting, graphics, objects, installations, video art
About eighty works of domestic and foreign artists of different directions will be presented in the artistic and cultural project of Leonid Theodore. The project geography includes 7 countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic, Estonia. Project participants work with different types and technologies of art. The exhibition includes paintings, graphics, sculpture, assemblies, photography, objects and video art are easily combined and do not contradict each other. Artworks made in a certain style, color-plastic modeling the space, create a bright, emotionally rich environment. Each of the authors, in his works filled with dramatic magical visual imagery, tries to convey the idea that the world is unusually fragile and changeable and cannot be comprehended and measured by ordinary standards. The ideology of style is not conceptualized, it is overcome by the creative energy of artists, the ability to completely transform the object of attention, plunging it into a paradoxical creative plasma. Artists listen to the noise of wings in order to feel the nerve of modernity, capture moments of love and beauty and enter into dialogue with the audience. Before us is something.
The exhibition is open until October 26.
October 4 at 20.30 MUSIC NIGHT “Music and Painting: Le Corbusier. Architect + composer. " Concert lecture film
The connections between music and architecture in the twentieth century became visible and obvious as never before in the history of art. Janis Xenakis, a French composer of Greek origin, who began as an architect in the Corbusier workshop, transferred his architectural calculations to the “design” of a new musical fabric. These experiments in the 1950s grew into the transformation of architectural projects into musical structures.
In a programme:
- Janis Xenakis. St / 4-1.080262 for string quartet. Charisma for clarinet and cello
- Edgar Varez. Density 21.5 for flute
Performed by the ensemble "Studio of new music"
- An experimental film by Le Corbusier, E. Varez, J. Xenakis "Electronic Poem" ("Po è me é lectronique", France, 1956)
- Accompanying lecture by the candidate of art history Fedor Sofronov.
st. Akademika Millionshchikova, d.35, building 5
tel. (499) 612-95-17, (499) 612-11-61, (499) 614-12-92
- Reverse bionics
- "Treasures of microcivilizations"
- The Faberge Museum launched a neural network in the VKontakte community for its 10th anniversary