"Lonely West"
Automatic translate
19 Сентября
Театр-студия Постскриптум
Сельскохозяйственная ул., д. 24

On September 19, on the stage of the Postscriptum Theater, we will open the season with the performance “The Lonely West”, nominated for the “Theater Star” award.
Genre: drama.
Posted by Martin McDonagh.
Director: Alexander Sudarev.
Production designer: Marina Ivashkova.
Author of the translation: Valentin Khitrovo-Shmyrov.
Age limit 18+
Cast: Tatiana Pravnichenko, Yuliana Zvereva, Denis Lazutin, Yuri Karaulkin, Sergey Kurzakov.
The play "Lonely West" became the debut work of the young theater and film actor Alexander Sudarev on the stage of the drama theater. While still a student at the Theater Institute. B. Shchukin, Alexander got the idea to play the famous play by Martin McDonagh. In the fall of 2019, one of the toughest and most honest performances appeared in the repertoire of our theater. "Lonely West" attracted the attention of theatrical Moscow and became a competitor for the "Star of the Theater" award, having successfully passed the stage of selecting the best performances for the long-list.
About the playAnarchic action based on the play by Martin McDonagh, British-Irish playwright, winner of the Oscar, Golden Globe, BAFTA. The world of the West, full of cynicism, without cuts and sentiments. Orphanhood in society, despite the presence of friends, relatives and acquaintances. Ping-pong of revelations and reproaches, long-standing grievances that obscure the eyes, which can lead to fatal consequences. The residents of Lingan City face horrific events, wondering if the act was courageous or foolish.
The director reveals to the audience the main question of F. Dostoevsky, "Am I a trembling creature or have the right?", Which becomes the key in the life of Coleman Connor. The prism of the play "The Lonely West" also addresses the theme of the brothers Karamazov in its own way. Does a person have the right to dispose of someone else’s fate, to interrupt his own or someone else’s flight - each of the heroes faces this decision, and each of them has a moment when they need to make their choice.
Viewers reviews“The performance is excellent, it is about people, about how a person needs a person (especially in the most unfriendly, cruel conditions) and how difficult, sometimes impossible, to understand someone else’s soul, which is very tragic” (Zarina Makasheva).
“Wonderful, delicate work, wonderful, solid performance! Very professional, understandable, not vulgar or boring. Not for kids! They empathized with the heroes, it was interesting to watch the struggle of relatives. In general, they sighed, were sad, asked questions - everything is real, everything is real)) A very adult story that looks at one breath "(Alexey).
“This is a dark story, not for fun. As, however, and the entire trilogy of this playwright. We went to this performance together with a friend, but the desire to visit other performances in this theater remained ”(Maria).