"Schukin. Biography of the collection." Summary
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In the Pushkin Museum to them. A.S. Pushkin ended the exhibition "Schukin. Biography of the collection ”(June 19. – September 15, 2019), which presented one of the most significant collections of European modernism art, covering the most important artistic movements of the late XIX - early XX centuries. During the work, the exposition “Schukin. Biography of the collection ”was seen by more than 350,000 people, which made it the most visited temporary exhibition in the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin over the past 38 years (by the number of visitors per day).
>The objective of the exhibition is to show one of the largest world collections of art as fully as possible. In 1948, the collection was divided between the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin and the State Hermitage Museum. Her association at an exhibition in Moscow became an important event for both the international professional community and the cultural life of the city. The aim of the project was also to talk about the personality of the outstanding collector Sergei Schukin, about the history of his family, the environment in which he grew up and shaped his artistic taste. The reconstruction of the collections of the collector’s brothers Peter, Dmitry and Ivan Shchukin showed a cultural and historical context and showed visitors the bold nature and non-trivial collecting strategy of Sergei Schukin. The exhibition includes iconic works by Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso and other masters.
The album-catalog “Schukin. Biography of the collection ”, biography“ The Saga of the Schukins. Collectors of masterpieces ”(author - Natalia Semenova), as well as a guide; educational and inclusive programs were prepared, the route “Across Shchukin Moscow” was developed for the “Discover Moscow” mobile application.
As part of the exhibition, a series of special projects was implemented.
A limited series of cards "Friends of Pushkinsky." Sergei Schukin was known not only as a collector, but also as a successful entrepreneur who ran a large “textile empire”. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, he had a special sense of color and texture. Textiles have become one of the symbols of the exhibition. Specifically for this project, patterns of fabrics that were produced at the factory of Sergei Schukin were recreated. They became the basis for the design of new limited cards of "Friends of Pushkin". Fabrics are also used in the design of the exposition: on the facade of the main building of the museum, on the main staircase and in the halls of the exhibition.
Souvenir collection. The Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin, continuing active cooperation with young Russian designers, released a special souvenir collection for the exhibition "Schukin. Biography of the collection. " This time, the museum offered several brands to create their own souvenir design, inspired by the works presented at the exhibition. The collection includes jewelry, accessories, travel kits, kitchen utensils, tea and more. Souvenirs designed by the brands “MAPPA”, “HERBS”, “GOOD LOCAL”, “SAY MORE”, “St. Friday Socks ”,“ KATSHELOMANOV ”.
Limited collection, released in conjunction with the brand Dawn designer Gosha Rubchinsky and Toli Titaev. One of the main halls of the exhibition is dedicated to the "iconostasis" of Paul Gauguin (1948 – 1903) - 13 paintings by the master, the weight of which is close to how they were presented in the house of Sergei Schukin. It was these paintings that inspired the RASSVET brand team to release a limited edition of unique, collectible items that combine classic modernism and contemporary fashion. The design of the collection uses the paintings “Queen (Te arii vahine)” (1896), “Ah, are you jealous? (Aha oe feij?) "(1892) and" Her name was Vairaumati tei oa) "(1892).
Thematic metro train and the Troika map. The Pushkin Museum. A. S. Pushkina, Moscow Metro and TMX launched a thematic train dedicated to the exhibition “Schukin. Biography of the collection. " In the design of the cars used images of paintings from the collection of collector Sergei Shchukin, as well as drawings of fabrics produced at the factory, which he owned. The project materials were prepared by researchers at the Pushkin Museum. They selected iconic works of famous artists and collected interesting facts about their work, amusing cases from their biographies, as well as the history of their relationship with Sergei Schukin. The train cars are dedicated to six artists: Claude Monet, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Paul Gauguin, Andre Derain and Henri Russo. The aim of the project is to support the idea of the exhibition and tell a wide audience about one of the main world collections of European modernism art. The train runs along the Koltsevaya metro line. The Moscow Metro also issued a limited series of Troika cards, the design of which is based on the paintings by Pierrot and Harlequin by Paul Cezanne, Edgar Degas’s Blue Dancers and Henri Russo’s Jaguar Attack on the Horse.
Joint project with CityMobile. Taxi aggregator Citimobil and the Pushkin Museum im. A. Pushkin released cars on the roads of Moscow with images of paintings presented at the exhibition "Schukin. Biography of the collection. " Cloths of recognized masters “came to life” right on the roads of Moscow. Any Citimobil client in Moscow could be a passenger aboard the Cézanne, Russo or Gauguin - such cars took orders randomly at the Comfort tariff.
Exhibition on the Arbat. From June 24 to 30, an exhibition of reproductions of paintings from the collection of Sergei Schukin was working on Arbat. At 16 stands, images of the works of A. Matisse, P. Picasso, P. Cezanne, P. Gauguin, A. Russo, C. Monet and other artists were presented. Walking along the Old Arbat, everyone could see world masterpieces, as well as learn about the history of the creation of the world-famous collection of merchant Sergei Schukin, about why he began to collect works of French modernism, about his relationship with artists, about his complex biography and dramatic events of life.
Brunch "Visiting Schukin." A week before the end of the exhibition “Schukin. Collection Biography”The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts A.S. Pushkin, together with the restaurant "House of Cultures" held a Sunday brunch for everyone. Chef Nikita Maltsev has developed a special menu reminiscent of the dishes served in the house of Sergei Schukin. Brunch guests could take part in an intellectual quiz, as well as chat with the team working on the Schukin. Biography of the collection. "
XLVIII International Scientific Conference "Wipper Readings". From September 11 to September 13 at the Pushkin Museum. A. Pushkin hosted the annual scientific conference, which is traditionally dedicated to the main exhibition of the season. The objective of the conference “Sergei Schukin Collection: History, Influence and the World Context” is to comprehend the activities of an outstanding Moscow collector, who had a significant influence on Russian culture, at the current level. The reports of leading domestic and foreign scholars were devoted to the history of the meetings of the brothers Sergei, Peter, Dmitry and Ivan Schukin, the role of the collection of Sergei Schukin in the formation of the Russian avant-garde and other problems. Speakers paid special attention to reconstructing the international context of the innovative meeting of Sergei Schukin: foreign experts spoke about the phenomenon and strategies for collecting new French painting from the Impressionists to Picasso in Europe and America in the late XIX - early XX centuries. The conference was attended by experts from around the world: museum directors, leading researchers, curators, university professors, as well as experts in collecting, provenance and storing works of art.
An important event for the Pushkin Museum. A. Pushkin and for the cultural life of Moscow was the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to organize, with the assistance of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a museum of the family of Sergei Schukin in the house where the collector lived. Currently, the mansion in the Bolshoi Znamensky Lane is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This decision was the result of an appeal from the director of the Pushkin Museum to them. A.S. Pushkin Marina Loshak to Vladimir Putin during a direct line with the President of the Russian Federation on June 20, 2019.
Another important news was the delivery of a Russian passport to the grandson of the famous collector Sergei Schukin Andre-Marc Deloc-Fourco and his wife Christina Deloc-Fourco. In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 12.06.2016 No. 263 “On Admission to the Citizenship of the Russian Federation and Withdrawal from the Citizenship of the Russian Federation” Andre-Marc Deloc-Fourco received the citizenship of the Russian Federation. In turn, Andre-Marc donated the Pushkin Museum to them. A. S. Pushkin passport of Sergei Ivanovich Schukin, which is presented at the exhibition.
Ice cream for the exhibition. Together with the Iceberry company, the museum presented the Filevsky ice-cream collection, released specially for the exhibition. The packaging design uses the image of the painting “Blue Dancers” (c. 1898) by Edgar Degas. On July 19, 2019, on the artist’s birthday, the Pushkin Museum held a free ice cream tasting for children who came to the Shchukin. Biography of the collection. " The classic creamy popsicle in natural milk and white chocolate is presented in three flavors - vanilla, creme brulee and strawberry. Ice cream is on sale at Iceberry stalls in Moscow.
Sberbank bank cards and virtual cards in the Sberbank Online mobile application. During the exhibition, from June 19 to September 15, interactive postcards with pictures from the Schukin collection appeared in the Sberbank Online mobile application. Users could send them to each other in Dialogs or through a regular money transfer and thus compose their virtual mini-collection of paintings from the famous collection. Also, Sberbank customers could draw any of five options for individual design of bank cards with paintings from the exhibition - works by Claude Monet, Paul Signac, Edgar Degas, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Paul Gauguin.
Dates of the exhibition “Schukin. Collection Biography ”: June 19 - September 15, 2019
Venue: The Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin, Main Building, Volkhonka, 12
Curatorial group: Marina Loshak, Natalya Alexandrova, Alexandra Danilova, Svetlana Zagorskaya, Vitaliy Mishin, Alexey Petukhov, Anna Poznanskaya, Vadim Sadkov
Scientific Consultant of the Exhibition Natalia Semenova
Guest curator of the exhibition Andre-Marc Deloc-Fourco
The composition of the exhibition - more than 450 works: painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied arts, archival materials; among them about 150 paintings and sculptures from the collection of Sergei Schukin, including paintings by C. Monet (13 works), P. Cezanne (7 works), P. Gauguin (13 works), A. Matisse (24 works), P Picasso (24 works), A. Derain (13 works) and A. Russo (5 works).
Participating museums: The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts A. Pushkin, State Hermitage Museum, State Historical Museum, State Museum of the East, Moscow Kremlin Museums, Kuskovo Estate Museum, Museum of Fine Arts (Budapest).
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