A wizard walked through the city. Mysterious events occurring in the city of N. 6+
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28 Марта
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
St. Petersburg RazDvaTri Theater presents
Adults probably remember the wonderful film “The Secret of the Iron Door”, staged based on the work of the same name by Yuri Tomin. Now the story of mischievous boys can be seen in the production of the RazDvatri Three Theater.
Real happiness is brought to a person not by fictional miracles, but by his own hands. This performance is just about it. The story of how it would be nice to find boxes of magic matches that fulfill any desire.
Once… and immediately mom allows you not to brush your teeth.
Two… and you can become a famous athlete.
Three… and suddenly you are the strongest man in the world…
But will it bring joy? Maybe you shouldn’t rely on magical power, but is it best to achieve your work and talent in life?
This entertaining and instructive story about eternal human values is about friendship and the fight against evil, a story that will not leave indifferent children or adults.
The “RazDvatri Three” theater was awarded the diploma of the Union of Theater Workers and the Committee on Culture of St. Petersburg for the play “The Wizard Walked Through the City”.
The performance comes with one with an intermission.
Director - Elena Kochubey
Beginning at 13 hours
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