"Masterpieces of world film music"
Automatic translate
2 Июля
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday July 2, 3 p.m.
Film music. A genre that remembers prominent composers - full authors of the great cinema of the first half of the twentieth century. In those days, they went to the cinema like to the theater, finding the role model in the heroes. Years have changed a lot. But in the same way, people’s craving for an ideal is invariable - the ideal of beauty, goodness, faith. And music contributes to this. It is enough to recall the amazing revelations of Nino Rota, the magnificent melody of Ennio Morricone, the mysteriously-enticing miracle of John Williams. Their compositions, inseparably from the video, are full participants in the action. By the way, in the best films, along with modern compositions, the classics also sound: from Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to George Gershwin and Astor Piazzolla. And that is wonderful. Indeed, illuminating the darkness of the hall, the masterpieces of film music excite the souls of the audience, instilling in them a taste for the true and the beautiful.
Laureates of international competitions
Natalya Letiuk organ
Yuri Tashtamirov saxophone
Anastasia Zvereva soprano
Aidan Karashev harp
In the program: J. Gershwin, N. Rota, A. Piazzolla, E. Morricone, M. Legrand
- Favorite operetta and movie music
- Cinema, musicals and tango. 6+
- "Organ, duduk and flute of Pan." Masterpieces of film music
- “Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism” by Anne Applebaum
- “Truth and Beauty” by Ann Patchett
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