"Sergey Barkovsky. Creative portrait"
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с 14 Марта
по 22 АпреляСанкт-Петербургская государственная Театральная библиотека
ул. Зодчего Росси, д. 2
From March 14 to April 22, 2019, the exhibition “Sergei Barkovsky. Creative Portrait ”, dedicated to the work of the Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

2019 is declared the Year of the Theater. Events of various levels dedicated to theatrical art are held throughout the country.
Exhibition “Sergey Barkovsky. Creative Portrait ”prepared by the Theater Library is one of such events.
The St. Petersburg State Theater Library and Sergei Dmitrievich are connected by 25 years of reading experience and close friendships. And for many Petersburg spectators, the very concept of “Theater Petersburg” is largely associated with the name of Sergei Barkovsky.
In 1992, Sergei Dmitrievich graduated with honors from the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema named after N.K. Cherkasova (LGITMiK) with a degree in Directing and Acting (course of Professor M.V. Sulimov), after which he was accepted into the troupe of the St. Petersburg Youth Theater on the Fontanka, where he still serves.
Over the years, he worked in parallel at the Liteiny Theater, the Interior Theater, the Theater of Real Art, Old Petersburg and others.
A significant part of the exposition “Sergey Barkovsky. Creative portrait ”is occupied by the works of the famous theater photographer Yulia Kudryashova. Thanks to her skill, viewers will be able to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of images created by Sergei Dmitrievich on the stage. The exhibition will feature the artist’s work not only in the Youth Theater on the Fontanka, but also in other theaters in St. Petersburg: “Russian Entreprise” named after Andrei Mironov, State Pushkin Theater Center of St. Petersburg and many others.
Additional touches to the portrait of Sergei Barkovsky will be his photographs taken by Julia Kudryashova outside the theater.
The exhibition will work in the period: 14.03. - 04/22/2019 in the library
to the address: st. Architect Rossi, 2 (entrance from Ostrovsky Square)
Phone for inquiries: (812) 571-77-11.
Free admission.
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