Sacred theme and local profanation 0+
Automatic translate
с 29 Мая
по 23 Июня
Творческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "C", 1st floor

The Artmuz Museum will host an international exhibition project from the creators of the contemporary painting genre.
The exposition in the main gallery of the museum is being prepared by a truly stellar duet - Anastasia Boronina, a member of the Creative Union of Artists, the Association of Art Critics of Russia and the President of the international fund "ARTEUM" (Switzerland), who is working on the exhibition in tandem with the Hamburg artist and philosopher Markus Erich Mayer, who founded the international community of painters of the 21st century "Kontemplativisten".
Contemplative painting ("contemple" - translated from Latin - silent dialogue with God) is a conceptually complex direction in the art of the 21st century, which is on the verge of philosophy and spiritual practices. To simplify, the artist’s task is to try to hear the "will of the picture", and the latter is here implied as the embodiment of the divine principle. The image, form and motive of the picture becomes the Word (in the New Testament understanding) or some "ineffable" component, which the adherents of the genre achieve with the help of a certain concentration.
“The Sacred Theme and Local Profanation” is an exhibition that declares a certain contradiction with its theme and even seeks to focus attention on it. Nevertheless, delving deeper into the complex idea of the exhibition project, one can find in the works of two different authors the desire to balance polarities, for example, in the contrast of black and white (the entire pictorial series of Anastasia Boronina is painted on a white background, and all the works of Markus Erich Mayer are on black)…
Both series of paintings, in their joint action - the contribution of artists to the spiritual and partnership relations between Hamburg and St. Petersburg.