With irony and without. Modern german music
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18 Апреля
Рахманиновский зал консерватории
ул. Большая Никитская, д. 13/6

April 18, 2019 Thu / Rachmaninov Hall, 19. 00.
For the general public (and even for most musicians), German music is always the embodiment of a deep philosophical understanding of the world. But German music is often also humor, satire and irony! You can recall, for example, Bach’s “Joke”, Beethoven’s “Fury About a Penny” or Weil’s “Three Penny Opera”, and much more. In the concert on April 18, we want to expose the contrasts between the serious and the ironic in contemporary German music. The concert program was designed to cover compositions representing such opposite emotional poles.
To participate in this project, we invited the wonderful German composer Johannes Schölhorn to Moscow. In his Anamorphoses, Bach’s music undergoes radical avant-garde processing, which paradoxically combines with a jazz-swing manner of presentation. And his processing and orchestration of “Lunar Pierrot” by Max Kowalski (“Pierrot” not by Schoenberg, but by his contemporary!) Is a brilliant example of ironic attitude to music in German cabarets of the beginning of the 20th century. a song for the cabaret "The Lunatic."
At the opposite end of our program is the work of two patriarchs of German radicalism - “temA” Helmut Lachenmann, who personally conducted several rehearsals of this work with the musicians of the “Studio”, and the work of Nikolaus Huber “Zum Beispiel. Wogende Aeste ”(“ For example. Uplifting Branches ”), written specially for our ensemble. The main event of the concert will be the world premiere of Schölhorn’s play“ a Moscou ”, which the author dedicated to the ensemble“ New Music Studio ”.
Vladimir Tarnopolsky
The project is supported by the Goethe Institute in Moscow.
Sara Nemtsov
… beredtes Schweigen for ensemble (2005), Russian premiere
Helmut Lachenman
temA for soprano, flute and cello (1968)
Nikolaus A. Huber
Zum Beispiel. Wogende Aeste for ensemble (2011)
Johannes Schölhorn
à Moscou for ensemble (2018), world premiere
Johannes Schölhorn
Anamorphoses for ensemble (2004)
Arnold Schoenberg
Nachtwandler, arrangement for soprano and chamber ensemble (1901)
Max Kowalski
Lunar Pierrot, arranged for soprano and chamber ensemble Johannes Schölhorn (1913)
Ekaterina Kichigina, soprano
Marina Rubinstein, flute
Olga Galochkina, cello
Soloist Ensemble New Music Studio
Conductor - Honored Artist of Russia Igor Dronov
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