Russian grief from wit
Automatic translate
с 26 Января
по 30 МартаТеатр “Школа современной пьесы”
ул. Неглинная, д. 29, стр. 1
26 Января 28 Февраля 30 Марта
From Griboyedov’s "Woe from Wit" director Iosif Raikhelgauz and artist Alexei Tregubov made a musical performance called "Russian Woe… from Wit". In this he was helped by the playwright Vadim Zhuk and the composer Sergei Nikitin.
You have never seen a similar version: Famusov and Chatsky sing arias, Sofia dances tango, Lisa sings verses, and the chorus comments on what is happening no worse than in an ancient Greek comedy.
- A pre-premiere screening of a new performance was held at the School of Modern Play
- Faina. Echelon
- "Letter. 75 words about war"
- Performance-action "Winter evening with Pushkin"
Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.