Russian painting of the late XIX - early XX century
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с 15 Сентября
по 21 ЯнваряГМИИ РТ
ул.Карла Маркса, 64
As part of the activities of the Cultural and Exhibition Center of the Russian Museum in Kazan, the exhibition "Russian Painting of the Late 19th - Early 20th Century" opens from the collections of the Russian Museum and the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan. This will be the third exhibition held by the Russian Museum in the Cultural and Exhibition Center. The Russian Museum is a unique repository of art values and one of the largest centers of cultural and educational work, a scientific and methodological center of art museums of the Russian Federation, overseeing the work of more than 250 art museums in Russia. The State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan is a large regional art museum, on the basis of which the first Russian cultural and exhibition center of the Russian Museum is opened.
The exhibition "Russian Painting of the End of the 19th - Beginning of the 20th Century" includes more than sixty works of fine art of the Silver Age - one of the most striking periods in the history of Russian culture. The exhibition will feature both famous works by prominent artists and works that almost never leave the storerooms of the Russian Museum: for example, the Kazan audience will see the painting by V.I. Zarubin “Prayers,” which after restoration, completed in 2015, is exhibited for the second time. The exhibition continues the Kazan tradition of combining brilliant works from the collections of the best art museums of the country, in this case, the Russian Museum and the Pushkin Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, on a single exposition platform, which expands the idea of the artistic culture of the turn of the century and forms new spectator impressions.
Bobrovsky G.M. Portrait of Samoilova (Portrait of Mrs. Z). From the collection of the Russian Museum
The artistic image of this time is multifaceted: realism, symbolism, modern, impressionism, avant-garde, Russian cezannism, abstractionism. On display are works by famous artists of a realistic direction I.E. Repin, V.A. Serova, B.M. Kustodieva, S.A. Korovin, works of N.I. Feshin. The works of the largest representatives of the association "World of Art" A.N. Benoit, K.A. Somova, L.S. Bakst, M.V. Dobuzhinsky, A.Ya. Golovin is attracted by the decorativeness of easel painting, the desire for symbolic ambiguity, metaphorical images, the versatility of the sophisticated play of form and content. You can see the early works of such masters as K.S. Petrov-Vodkin, V.E. Borisov-Musatov. Many major painters of this time created their own world. The tapestry painting by K.F. attracts attention at the exhibition Bogaevsky. The landscape is surprisingly diverse: A.I. Kuindzhi, clashing warm and cold colors, creates a dramatic image of nature; N.P. Krymov charms with color harmony, accuracy of drawing, elaborate forms; S.Yu. Zhukovsky continues the Levitan tradition with its sense of enlightened joy; plein air painting S.A. Vinogradova conveys the state of nature by the brightness of color and the free texture of the smear. The impressionistic style is felt in the works of I.E. Grabar and M.A. Demyanova. Recognizable by their works, the artists of one of the early movements of the Russian avant-garde “Jack of Diamonds” P.P. Konchalovsky, I.I. Mashkov, R.R. Falk. Unexpectedly presented by M.F. Larionov. Originally, using the techniques of cubism, the image of the actress Dzyubinskaya-Adamova in the portrait of N.I. Altman. Cubist techniques are the basis of the composition of the works of N.S. Goncharova and M.V. Ledantu. Finishes the exhibition "Improvisation" VV Kandinsky - one of the founders of abstract art.
Dates of the exhibition are September 15, 2017 - January 21, 2018.
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