Boundary Vekov "Birth of monsters"
Automatic translate
с 24 Октября
по 26 НоябряЦентр современного искусства “Винзавод”
4-й Сыромятнический переулок, дом 1, стр. 6
The START project presents the first results of a portfolio-review series in Moscow art universities, opening on October 24 at the START young art platform a personal exhibition of a student of the HSE Design School Rubezhi Vekov “Born of Monsters”. Graphics, small plastic objects, videos and short-run zines will tell the story of the birth of monsters - characters of the artist’s inner mythology.
Artist of START Rubezha Vekov:
“The starting point of my art is the little doll Maria, a female creature without a personality, but with a mass hanging in a state of endless birth of monsters. It is absolutely unimportant who is involved in the conception of this "monster". The most interesting thing for me is the condition of a woman in any of these moments. What difference does it make that this abstract evil is if it is impossible to grab hold of the hand and build a dialogue. There is a real body, a real story of an eternal bearer (both physics and metaphysics) and an eternal reproducer. ”
In her works, the artist combines organic substances with fabric, ceramics, paper and other materials. Boundary uses the original embalming technique, thanks to which chicken hearts, pork tongue, hair, human fat and blood will forever become part of her art. The works performed with jewelry accuracy resemble medieval folios inlaid with precious stones.
Vera Trachtenberg, curator of the project START CCA WINZAVOD season 2017/2018:
“The exposition of the exhibition is built on the principle of a“ dark room of consciousness ”, in which the viewer is left alone with a narrative reminiscent of a terrible medieval fairy tale: we all like to be scared when the story is not about us, but about the other. These "others" inhabit the exhibition space, becoming something that can frighten the viewer, interest him or make him think about a whole series of eternal pain points - issues related to objectification, violence, the primary victim, the traitor’s archetype and total misunderstanding. "
The exhibition “The Birth of Monsters” will be the first holistic statement of the artist and will introduce a wide audience to her work.
About the artist
Rubezha Vekov (1996, Novosibirsk) is a student at the HSE School of Design.
About the START Project
Personal exhibition is the best way for a young artist to express himself. Each month, the “START” project enables one author to show his project at the Center for Contemporary Art Winery and opened the names of such famous artists as Evgeny Antufiev, Tatyana Akhmetgalieva, Tanya Peniker, Ivan Novikov and others. The project is actively developing an international direction and helps participants gain experience in art residences abroad.
You can take part in the project and make a personal exhibition at the WINZAVOD by filling out an application on the official website of the project.
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