Russia. The roads of civilizations
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с 15 Апреля
по 15 АвгустаВыставочный комплекс Исторического музея
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The new exhibition project of the Historical Museum demonstrates the development of human civilization from ancient times to the present. The exposition includes unique monuments from the collection of the State Historical Museum and allows you to take a different look at the cultural heritage preserved for thousands of years.
“The main task of the anniversary exhibition of the Historical Museum is to present in the exposition space the symbols of the thousand-year history of our country, as well as to demonstrate Russia’s connection with the main civilizational centers of Eurasia. We invite you to see the most valuable historical monuments of the past, presented in the context of their connection and interaction with global processes and phenomena characteristic of the entire period of human civilization,” says director Alexei Levykin.
Several million years ago, the earliest humans began to spread from their original area of origin in East Africa to the rest of the continents. During this period, man learned to make tools and gradually transform the world around him. The invention of the hand ax became the starting point of the history of mankind and the beginning of the exhibition.
The heritage of ancient civilization served as the basis for the future history of Europe. Thanks to the Greek and then Roman exploration of the Mediterranean region, trade relations expanded during this period, one of the languages of international communication, Koine, appeared, and the first metal coins were invented. This section of the exhibition presents a model of the hold of a merchant ship with amphorae, papyrus from the Hellenistic era, as well as coins that were in circulation in the 4th century BC. BC.
After the death of the Roman Empire, a new era begins. Starting from the IV century. AD Byzantium, the heir to ancient civilization, became the center of spiritual and cultural life and extended its influence to the surrounding countries and peoples. For almost a thousand years of the existence of the empire, many East Slavic tribes, including the young Russian state, adopted the eastern version of Christianity - Orthodoxy. Christianization contributed not only to strengthening the authority of Ancient Russia in the international arena, but also played an important role in the development of ancient Russian culture and art. Thanks to the entry into the family of Christian Slavic peoples, Russia acquired writing, and with it a set of great literary works, which served as an impetus for the development of book writing and literacy. Greek artists came to Russia, who painted temples, created icons, handwritten books were decorated with miniatures. The artistic continuity of ancient Russian masters can be seen thanks to the icons, manuscripts and objects of arts and crafts presented in the hall.
The history of every civilization is inevitably connected with wars. This section demonstrates various monuments of the military history of mankind. Among them is a table from the Tehran conference, which is designed to remind that only negotiations can help overcome deep-seated differences and make important decisions on which the fate of peoples depends.
The next hall of the exhibition is connected with the formation of centralized states. An integral part of this process is legislative activity, which is aimed at maintaining order within the country and further development of society. The exhibition presents the Cathedral Code, which became the main code of laws of the Russian Empire for almost 200 years, and the pen with which Emperor Alexander II signed the journal of the meeting of the General Assembly of the State Council on the abolition of serfdom. The further progress of civilization is embodied in the greatest achievements of social thought, social development, and most importantly, science and technology. The symbol of this process is the railways, namely the Trans-Siberian Railway, which connected the West with the East and became the largest technical and civilizational project implemented in Russia.
The exposition ends with a hall dedicated to space exploration. Flight to the stars of the post-industrial era is one of the most important achievements of human civilization. The development of science and technology made it possible to realize man’s dreams of activities outside the globe, the creation of space orbital stations and the study of distant planets and universes.
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