"Rock interior". Exhibition of Inna Volvak
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с 20 Декабря
по 15 ЯнваряAlpert Gallery
Красноказарменная ул., д. 3
British musician Ian Gillan said: rock is absolute freedom from concepts, these are your own impressions, vivid emotions and personal experience.
This cultural phenomenon has become the basis for creating a new lifestyle. Own value system, unique philosophy, a certain style in everything.
A striking representative of this trend is the designer and artist Inna Volvak.
New Year’s mood, a desire to meet friends of our gallery, to please them with an unusual exposition for us, and gave rise to the idea of creating this exhibition.
The name of the exposition combined two main hypostases of the author - a professional designer and artist, as well as a fan of rock music.
“My life since childhood has been connected with music and drawing. I picked up pencils only because I wanted to draw portraits of my favorite musicians. I tried for a long time to achieve similarities, and this was my first drawing lessons.
I painted paper dolls with the faces of my favorite musicians and made houses with interiors for them. She glued furniture out of paper, sewed sofas and armchairs, and even made cars for them with opening doors. And now, looking back, I understand that I continue to do the same! ”- says the author.
The series includes portraits of iconic rock stars of the period 60-80s, as well as several portraits of contemporary musicians who perform classic rock music, are as bright and original, and try to do everything so that the rock does not disappear.
These works are a sign of support for them, who are aged, but still as crazy, young in soul, as highly professional, singing and playing, at their concerts, for us, for each of us. After all, then they too were young, famous, idolized, their life was bright and enchanting.
Inna Volvak was born in Moscow.
After graduating from the 11th grade of a Moscow school, from 1992 to 1994 she studied at the Art Lyceum, specializing in “Master of Art Painting”.
From 1994 to 2000 she studied at MGHPA named after S. G. Stroganov, faculty of "Design".
After graduation, to this day, work in the field of interior design.
Member of the professional union of artists. Participant and laureate of architectural and art exhibitions.
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